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About Sarah

  • Birthday 07/10/1988

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First Team Regular

First Team Regular (6/10)



  1. Can I still buy tickets at Fir Park tomorrow?
  2. Ach, that's a bit annoying that some are getting a choice. I've asked people who haven't been before so would have preferred them sitting with me. One of those things I guess...
  3. I was asked too, but when I said East I was told the vouchers were for the Phil O'Donnell.... Oh well...Thanks for the offer David, but I need to keep the 2 together so would really need to be 2 tickets to swap. Appreciate the offer though.
  4. Exchanged vouchers today, but they're for the POD. Looking for East Stand seats though - anyone fancy a swap? I have 2.
  5. I think if Brown goes, Knox will follow.
  6. Not a very good one I'd assume....if, of course, this news turns out to be true. Fingers crossed it's not!
  7. Sarah

    Soccer Am

    Will no doubt be working and miss it, but it'll be getting recorded on the Sky Plus! Have fun lads!
  8. Sarah

    Stevie Kirk

    Best wishes to Stevie, hope everything went well and he is feeling better soon!
  9. Is money to be handed in tomorrow for this?
  10. Don't actually know why I was taken to a Motherwell game, but my dad took me one night and expected me to hate it. I loved it, but he was losing interest in football and didn't see why I would want to go. I started tagging along with my uncles and have been hooked ever since and still enjoy their banter at Fir Park every home game.
  11. Mentioned to a few folk (well everyone I've seen!) and got a fair few interested and some money pledged already. Hopefully get a good turnout for this!
  12. I fell several times in Marks and Spencers car park....don't even know why I was there!! And here's that bus pushing photo..
  13. They photos brought back some memories. Great night - made it worth the wait!! hope we get as good a draw this time round too!
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