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Everything posted by claretband

  1. I went fishing as well, caught the second half and that was the only thing I caught as after mullet, what did you get?
  2. Loved the Polworth reaction to his goal, reminded me of a certain Newcastle player and his love of advertising hoardings!
  3. I see game is on Premier Sports 2, not sure if it's a late addition to the schedule?
  4. Just in case anyone doesn't know if you're at home try to plug laptop into your modem with cable rather than wireless. It does make a difference to the quality.
  5. Just looking at options and can't say it's crystal clear. Does anyone know:- Is the existing streaming service being discontinued (I think this gave you most league games home and away and home cup games?) If you buy an overseas season ticket does this give you ground entry if games come back and you are back home? Last season a few away grounds were excluded so presume they aren't any more? Can you pay per view for cup games? I followed the link and all that appears is the audio option, do you have to Subscribe first then they contact you?
  6. Anyone else still been paying their MFCTV subs during lockdown? I have since the club have said a "significant amount" goes to MFC.
  7. Quite so but also for a brief week every fan in the country was a Well fan Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Just had a thought these games could be called the "Spartacus playoffs" - for fairly obvious reasons!
  9. Plus can't have the Redskins apparently it's "Burgundy & gold"!
  10. I'm definitely nicking that video, great stuff. Surprised no one's mentioned the obvious Bradford.
  11. https://www.motherwellfc.co.uk/club/well-society/join-the-well-society/ You have to float your mouse over "Club" on the homepage first. A few years ago I emailed them to say the link should be jumping out at you and they did take action and stuck it prominently on the homepage, but looks like someone decided it wasn't that important! You had trouble finding it and I actually ended up Googling myself to find it, so I'll have to get back on to them to change it again
  12. Makes sense but just asking the question since plenty of other matches have done it.
  13. Anyone know why they couldn't just play it tonight behind closed doors?
  14. I'd have even less confidence in Aarons to finish it than Hylton...
  15. Now we know Aarons can’t hit a free kick and his decision making is poor Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Ship steadied. Alan Campbell ran the show but can anyone tell me what they see in Aarons? Didn’t see his goal. He’s enthusiastic but can’t seem to beat a man overruns the ball all the time and can’t cross from what I’ve seen. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Game sounds like a non event but at least we go 3rd
  18. Gillespie the penalty master Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Just reading "Live *audio* commentary for all users - no video FFS!!?
  20. Livi Ross County Accies Rangers and St Mirren are the only ones we don’t get Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Is it worth paying for the 2nd half, with the dodgy camerawork?
  22. Stonewaller for them, looked worse on second viewing?
  23. Try www.easyview.eu they normally have BBC Scotland listed. One or two ads but very brief and nowhere near as bad as most streaming sites.
  24. Maybe flash being blocked? Check your browser settings make sure it’s allowed for the mfc website Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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