What would "the cat" do though? Thats what i cannot understand. Celtic (& Rangers) are part of scottish football and will be forever more,they cannot and will not move to england or an atlantic jackanory league. We had a chance for change and shat it.
Even that vote,it was fuck all about money and all about power,£200-£300k from top spot would make no difference to Celtic in the grand scheme of things and it could have bn used as a bargaining chip for future "Mr Lawell,agree to cut top spot as well to help everyone else a little and next time we come to reconstruction we will support your vision of x,y,z". But it wasnt and even last summer when we actually had a chance to change we all shat it.
Scottish Football does not exist to service only Celtic and Rangers. Without our support both those teams would have nothing. No excessive trophies,no glory monopoly,no champions league! And yet the "powers" in our game continually bend over or fight for whatever scraps Lawwell decides to throw them. Its a bad fucking joke.