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Everything posted by mwellhighland

  1. How many people you reckon have this? (anyone know? )
  2. I didn't say you said you'd be happy with 6th...hence the question mark Was just asking you to clarify and then gave my opinion
  3. Fine for me. Maybe update flash player or use a different internet browser?
  4. So you'd be happy with a 6th spot finish? Bollocks to that after this start. Not suggesting splitting Old Firm is realistic but if we don't make Europe then it will be hugely dissapointing. I'd be gutted even finishing 5th this season
  5. Randolph to Celtic in the papers tomorrow just in time for the weekend
  6. Some of you are a bit harsh, it'll always look shite when you compare it to MoTD as that is quite simply the best thing on TV. It may be a bit dull but it's 10 times better than that shite that had segments on the best ref whistle n stuff I'm reading a lot about it being crap having 5 mins for each game and it should be longer/shorter depending on the match.....guaranteed if that was the case we'd have a lot of folk moaning that there's too much Old Firm coverage and it's always just 2 minutes of Motherwell. Also good having a different guest on each week rather than just Pat Nevin everytime. Not the best highlights show ever but it could be much much worse and I actually don't mind it. Disclaimer: writing this before watching last nights one
  7. What worries me is that we've only scored 2 goals in our last 5 home league matches This should be more like an away game though (i.e our counter attacking game). I'll go for 1-1
  8. Had you already registered in the past but hadn't paid yet? Same thing happened with me when I went to pay after registering earlier that day. I just registered a new account with another email address and paid straight away
  9. guaranteed the attendance will not be improved
  10. Best two quid I've ever spent Well done to all involved
  11. Same team. 2-0 victory. Higdon and Law. Simples.
  12. Not delighted but fairly content with a point after watching that. Killie could easily have nicked it and I reckon a point each was fair. Another clean sheet and 2nd for at least another week Mon ra 'well
  13. Well as I said I didn't listen to it myself but if I click that tab there's all the match stats etc and an audio player thing so guessing that was it
  14. Didnt listen to it myself but there's a tab at the top for LIVE MATCHES.
  15. Jennings for me. Considering everything I thought he had a great game
  16. Fantastic result and performance today, especially in the first half where it felt like we had the ball the whole time. Second half Hibs came into it more but we were great on the counter (apart from the finishing). We really should have scored more but we got the 3 points in the end so who gives a fuck. Oh and I thought I'd chance my luck for an under 18 ticket and it worked MON RA DOSSERS
  17. what a shitey home support
  18. Highlights: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/scotland/15144080.stm
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