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Special aka

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Special aka last won the day on August 18 2013

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Motherwell Legend

Motherwell Legend (10/10)



  1. I was meaning the recent history, as I have no idea what they've achieved in last 60yrs other than their '87 Cup win.
  2. But they have a Cup win in there, something we've experienced only once in 60yrs
  3. Think they are most likely to be caught by the Jambos if anyone is. That's not to say they wont be tough opponents this weekend. Hopefully our recent improvement will continue and we'll be too strong for them. Got to score first though imho
  4. Special aka

    Jim Gannon

    Were Ruddy, Jennings, Coke, Humph, Hutch, the Juke brought in by JG ?
  5. Think it's more to do with the income possibilities Melvin, either that or the Tories have a major brewery as a Contributor.
  6. With a condition that rules out the Ugly Sisters, why not ?
  7. Message Mightywellscott .............. he took his son via Heathrow and Moscow with BA. Had an awesome time, locals were excellent apparently. To expedite the Visa process, he went direct to the Russian Consulate in Edinburgh. All details must be 100% accurate else you risk being turned back at Border Control. However, one word of warning, spread it round your fellow Jacks not to openly display flags outwith the stadium on matchday. Apparently its deemed highly disrespectful and will only attract gangs who will steal the flags and post pictures of them upturned or in other disrespectful manners. It's their culture apparently, and our guys who fell victim had no advance heads up ----------------- you do now. Best of luck.
  8. weeeeesht, we don't want him back
  9. Most away days were like that back then, remember Ayr/Kilmarnock/Raith Rovers/QoS ?, which is prob why I dislike all our rivals. Strangely enough, when I relocated to Leith in 92, I got on great with the local Hibees. My old local was Eric Schaedlers old bar at the bottom of Easter Road, couldn't praise the cabbage n ribs locals highly enough. As for following anyone else ? Other than Leeds and Shrewsbury, NO.
  10. It would only lie empty. We should sell FP, and move in with Accies, and complete the 4 sides with 2 claret and amber stands.
  11. Big John coming good, that's excellent news, and will only get better imho
  12. Only saw last night's highlights, so unfair to comment other than well done - another delightful 3 pts secured. On the topic highlights, the BBC Ed's productions are not very good imho
  13. Do the players wear same quality shirts as on public sale ? If yes, they have my sympathies
  14. Got mine yesterday ----- but please someone learn how to address an envelope. I'm surprised it got here.
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