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Everything posted by phoenix

  1. He used to say his occupation for his car insurance when he was playing for us was a long distance lorry driver, Chic must have advised him on that .
  2. I took my large claret and amber flag with MOTHERWELL FC across the middle to the semi final as I do most big games. I also have a large St Andrews flag. I will be taking the claret and amber flag to the final as that is the colours of my club I support. Yes we are Scottish and yes they are plastic paddies who like to fly the tri colour, so what, they have done it for years and will continue. Lets turn the Hampden terraces claret and amber like we did in 91 and bring the cup home.
  3. Agree, we have been around a bit and have quite a few seasoned pro's in our ranks. I see Celtic bottling it before us, bring it on
  4. Quote of the day for me, GIRFUY ya wee spotty prick
  5. Don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out
  6. I think you will find, posting on here gets a quicker response, phone the ticket office and it rings out....too busy talking about why Andy Gray had to go and filing their nails, waiting for the next semi final customer.
  7. There was a few hundred last year walking over ice the whole way, looking the same this year for a great cause.
  8. When was the last time Hearts made it through a game without a yellow card?
  9. That adds another twist and implicates the ref as he didnae book many Hearts players when he should have
  10. The way I see it is, the REF booked Jennings for his first challenge (soft), when he could have let it go, Jennings is then on a yellow for the rest of the game, the REF lets more challenges go unpunished therefore if another booked player makes a daft challenge he just needs to yellow him then red, as the game goes on and the odds go up he then decides to send one of the (early) booked players off for hee haw, what's stange is it's a straight red. Non story for me but well done to the guys who won money betting on a Ref who was shit to send a player off. One of my mates in Fleetwood bets on this quite a lot for Scottish and English games, wisnae him unfortunately
  11. L108 in the PoD, nae bother see you on Tuesday, wont have the kids wae me that night ya wee dick.
  12. A c**t is a useful thing, a wee dick is not, like you, arse. So enlighten me, why are we advertising the Celtic kit? My thought on it is we are a wee skint club now and fair game everywhere and the reason for my post, what's your thoughts arse?
  13. First 200 tickets for the sheep game a fiver, Motherwell ticket office useless as usual and not answering phones today led me to producing a few hunner forgeries for the sheep game, mon the dossers
  14. A week where our managemement throws in the towel we still advertise the celtic new shirt on our fans forum, says it all for me, that's it fuck it.
  15. I would like Derek Adams to be our new manager with Craigan as assistant, a young manager with fresh ideas, a manager who would blend in well with our set up, previously been at the club, too good to be an assistant at Hibs plus he is fae Aberdeen and would get it right up the sheep when he does a splendid job for us while Broon and Erchie make a baws of it up there. Just get a clause in Derek's contract, "under no circumstance will you leave here to go to the struggling sheep"
  16. Thats a belter, we should get ones made up on placards and take them to pittodrie. I was not plannning on going to the game up there but I am now to abuse the Judus
  17. It was Motherwell that saved hin from the football wilderness and now things have turned out ok at Motherwell he buggers off to Aberdeen, guy is at the early stages of senile dementia. Our performances at home this season have been shocking, I am glad he is away, out with the old and in with the new.
  18. I think Boyle has told him to beat it....Next
  19. I want someone like Ian Holloway, so that would be me as the next Motherwell manager. cv passed to Mr Boyle in Odense :wank:
  20. Due to the fact Brown went to talk to Aberdeen and Boyle having his arse felt once before has told Brown to fuck off and hence why Brown is cap in hand at the Dons, will be happy if Archie stays, he is the main man anyway
  21. The same idiot working alongside Dr Doom (Reid), it's all moaning and groaning at that club now and I would bet Dr Doom got his mate Sheriden (MP) to release his statement on the SFA asking for reform. Never defeated always cheated is becoming a tag on that lot now. They want to take the best talent from all other clubs, arrange the referree's for games, organise the fixture list, say what games are on and what games are off..........the list goes on, truth is they probably have a load of burst pipes in the stadium due to the state of it..... so the polis are in the back pocket as well.
  22. http://scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com/top-s...ommy.6313554.jp
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