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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. Glad we pulled away from the relegation zone though. That is developing into a real dogfight.
  2. He has a hamstring injury that flared up when he was doing his warm up before the Stoke game last month. Out for a few weeks.
  3. No wonder he had trouble climbing over the gates on his driveway.
  4. That's very true. Although when I saw him on telly the other day he did look fitter than the last time I saw him at Fir Park. Maybe he's been training with someone.
  5. Helped us win a playoff. Helped Dundee Utd lose a playoff. So 50/50 if Thistle end up in that spot.
  6. Dunno. They are all away games from here! I have the day and the time right the rest is details EDIT: in case it wasn't obvious, I have been reading this thread all week convinced this was an away game. Even after Brazilian's post, I hadn't twigged.
  7. Exactly. I believe it's the BBC video feed we use at Fir Park, but not sure if that's true at every ground. But the commentating and the streaming to the internet is all done by the home club. The 'Well media team does still do an audio stream from away grounds, but with the significantly different delays in the audio buffering and video buffering they can be miles out of sync and not worth messing around with.
  8. There seems to be reciprocal arrangements between the teams that stream live. So all that happens for away games is that the MFC TV channel shows the away team's stream - commentators and all. Probably the easiest and cheapest way to run it.
  9. 6:15am kick off in New Orleans. No Scottish League games on any US channels. You can pay a few quid to watch the game on tv.motherwellfc co.uk (although it will likely be the Hearts commentary).
  10. World Health Organization says Low Carb Diets are Bad Fill yir boots.
  11. I have always thought that while it was an excellent save, I have seen as good or better over the years. It became iconic for the England fans of course.
  12. I should have held on to some of the "Well to Win the Texaco Cup" stickers I was dishing out to my pals at school. Collectors' items now.
  13. Well Lee Erwin's move's to Leeds immediately springs to mind. Paul Slane, although he moved to Celtic rather than down south, no doubt took a large salary increase.
  14. Right. But it's not as simple as that. What if option A was to move now to a deal that tripled your wages for the next 3 years, but the following 12 years would be spent at QoS and Falkirk at half your current wage. And option B is stay on your current wage for the next 3 years, but then move to a new club and continue to get a better wage for the next 12 years. That's what young players have to weigh up - and part of it is still guess work as whether it's better to take the money in short term, or do your time now in the anticipation of a bigger return on the long term.
  15. Robinson had said McCormack would be playing in the Reserves this week to help boost his fitness. I didn't see him listed today, so hoping that's not a bad sign.
  16. Who's Frear backing up? Or is the expectation Gboly will be returning?
  17. If I have to get up at some unearthly hour to watch this, the least I expect is a comprehensive win.
  18. Andy Robertson was signed as a first team starter for Hull and that 's the big difference. Joining a club for more cash but a permanent slot in the reserves is not always a good career move. Guys that have left Scotland and done well tend to be the guys who have been signed with the intention of being first team starters. John McGinn is another recent example of that, as is Kipre. I could be wrong, but I doubt Ben Hall is getting better experience by playing for the worst team in England than he would have received playing first team football for us. It's all a trade off, though, for longer term gain vs short term cash. And when you are a youngster, the draw of doubling your salary or better must be tempting. I'd never disparage any player who wants to grab the cash - just suggest they listen to advice from experienced players and managers they trust before they decide.
  19. You may well be right. I tend to skip over them!
  20. I'm not sure pointing out he wasn't fit was unfair - it was obvious, and a perfectly valid point to make when fans are clamouring for U20s to make the step up. It's not as simple as playing well against the other youngsters; you need to be fitter and stronger. I'm also not sure he's been pilloried anywhere. All I read is people hoping he gets more first team exposure and, as you say, I'm sure we'll see him as the season wears on.
  21. I think what worked against Livingstone was when he came on as an early sub against Celtic and had to be subbed himself because he was knackered. At the time Robinson mentioned he needed to get his fitness up to the levels required for the first team, and it was a good lesson for what he, and the other youngsters, need to do to get those opportunities. I imagine we'll see more of him this season.
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