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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. Until we lose Campbell, Cadden and Frear at he same time, like we did last season, and then it might be just enough.
  2. To be fair, given the massive number of new faces we brought in last year, the fact that we ended up with so few duffers (like Petravicius) is a testament to our signing policy. Even the top clubs do well to have a 40 or 50% success rate and ours must have been much higher than that. (Almost Gannon levels...)
  3. Tried to watch it at the Little Mermaid bar, but the Ariel was broken.
  4. The challenge anywhere inside a Disney controlled bar/hotel/retaurant is that Disney own ESPN/ABC and the matches are on Fox. They can be pretty ananl about not broadcasting a rival's programming. Hotels are likely to be the least strict, I'd guess.
  5. Of course, you can be a non-executive director and still have a conflict of interest. Where I used to work we had to not only avoid conflicts of interest but "perceived conflicts of interest". As Bill Shankly used to say about the offside rule - "if a player's not interfering with play, what's he doing on the field?"
  6. If it was, playing and training on grass instead of plastic should help.
  7. I don't where Dundee Utd are getting the money to make these offers. Their parachute payments have run out, their main source of funding pulled the plug and the auditor last year talked about a "material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt about the company’s ability to continue as a going concern, and therefore its ability to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business.” They made a loss of £1.55 million in 2016, a further loss of £1 million in 2017. Oh, and they are still in the Championship. It can't all be funded from Andy Robertson's sell on clause.
  8. I'm old enough to remember when people used to say Dunne was useless.
  9. I wouldn't mind the hamburger menu being on the top right if the choices it displayed were also on the top right. Having to move all the way back across to the left of the page after you click it is a little clumsy.
  10. Not sure that deal was ever confirmed, but seemed that was where he was headed.
  11. Should have received his jotters a long time ago - for general incompetence while continuously downplaying the merits of our league.
  12. He played against us when he was on loan at Hearts.
  13. Not too concerned about Taylor-Sinclair yet. From what Robinson was saying "the English lads" hadn't been in action for about 10 weeks before they joined us, so are further behind in their fitness. Time will tell, I suppose.
  14. It did. Even with the sponsor's logo it has a nice minimalist look to it. Very sharp.
  15. Exactly what Robinson said - we were short a striker.
  16. In the Robinson interview posted on Official Twitter today, he says he is still looking for a striker and hopes to have some business concluded by the end of next week.
  17. There will be plenty of competitive games to hold your interest before the window closes.
  18. If guys like Grabban and Jutkiewicz can make a career in that division, Moult should manage it. If he gets a run of starts I think he'll do OK.
  19. Assuming that was the 2nd time around. McClair himself said that was a disaster and he was absolutely useless.
  20. The biggest difference for me is McClair only had a couple of seasons with us, whereas McAllister was more of a Motherwell "product". When you saw either of them play, however, there was no doubting they were destined for greater things. (McClair single-handedly beating the OF in a week is still one of my highlghts of following this team). There was a great article on McClair in The Scotsman a few weeks ago (even underboyleheating might approve of the gambling site he endorses - 50 % of proifts go back to supporters). He has turned into a bit of a hipster, though.
  21. That's just to camouflage the players when the fans start throwing flares at them.
  22. Boyd did win a few league titles and 72 caps. I doubt there are many ex 'Well players that matched that many international appearances. (He even played in World Cup Finals and Euro Finals - remember those?). But I agree it's a drop off from the Lambert, McLair, McAllister level of success.
  23. Not sure it was a real game. More of a closed door, bounce training session.
  24. He certainly should have been able to perform at a higher level than League Two in England or Scotland.
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