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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. I agree it's embarrassing, but at least he works in a field where he should at least be familiar with the trolls, morons and eejits on social media. No excuse for it, right enough. Having said all that, any Q&A should have taken place at a properly convened Society meeting.
  2. I said earlier that if the Society lost control I would cancel my direct debit, because there is no way I want to line the pockets of a new investor either now or when they inevitably sell up. That would still be the case for me now.
  3. They don't need to offer anything right now to know this was a terrible deal that was presented. Doing nothing different this year is still better than accepting what The Sheep has to offer.
  4. I'm actually not as concerned by that. If we had rejected the offer without the details being given, a lot of members would have been crying foul on the secrecy. I'm glad it's out in the open and we can see how bad it is.
  5. You've lost me a bit with your financial terminology there, but I think I agree.
  6. As I said on here after the initial vote, there was no way I'd want to surrender control of the club to any investor. The derisory offer is exactly why. The details are pretty much the kind of undervalued nonsense I anticipated. If it had been the kind of offer that Brailsford made at Man U - 25% of the shares and some influence over the running of the club - I'd have been interested to hear more. And I still don't see an exit strategy. I think he's trying to emulate the Glasers and get control of a club at an undervalued price with minimal investment coming from his own pocket. Anyone who votes in favour of this would be voting for the destruction of the club; and I don't say that to be dramatic. It's a terrible offer.
  7. As remote as the chances are of Scotland making it through the group stages, if they do, then I see the Record estimating a payout of around 140k would be coming to the club. Looking at previous payments from the Euros, that seems a reasonable estimate.
  8. Maybe a little harsh on some aspects, but his slack passing caused us a number of problems - I agree he improved later in the season. My main reason for a complete revamp is that sometimes it's just impossible to break that mindset that crept in across the entire defensive unit.
  9. That's no excuse for the dozens of times our defenders didn't mark their man, lost concentration, wandered out of position, gave the ball away, and just underperformed. I don't think Bevis was the worst in that regard, but as I said at the end of last season, it wouldn't hurt if we replaced Mugabi, Blaney, Casey and Butcher. There are only so many times you can tell a player what they need to be doing, and they repeated the same mistakes every game.
  10. The problem with successful improvement of loanees is that it makes the parent club more likely to keep them.
  11. Right? You'd have to be mad to buy a player who scored 15 goals, keen to learn and has room to improve!
  12. weeyin

    Fan Survey

    I mostly don't either, but the Former Motherwell Players thread generates enough posts to suggest other people do. Likewise, a number of fans seem to follow ex-players on Twitter (X). To be honest, if it's too annoying or to have to scroll past one tweet, then maybe Twitter/X isn't for you. Of course posts this time of year are mostly filler, because there is little activity anywhere apart from pitch remediation and players being on holiday.
  13. He often operated like a modern wingback, except he was also a brilliant defender. I've never seen anyone that could time a tackle better than him. And they were often full blooded crunching tackles. I've lost count of the number of times he'd go sliding in to an opposition player and come away with the ball to either start bombing up the left wing or hit his favourite curling pass up the touchline to a wide player.
  14. Split the difference. Let him get 10 goals the first half of the season and sell him for 500k in January. (Add 50k per goal scored in the Copa America this summer).
  15. Sell Theo for 1.5million plus add-ons. Re-sign Alex Fisher on a free. Let SK turn Fisher into a 15 goals-a-season striker. Profit.
  16. I agree we won't be getting 3 mil, but our recent sales of players under contract have been quite lucrative. Kipré is a good example of what can be negotiated.
  17. 3 million (Euros) will open negotiations, and we'll take it from there.
  18. Lots of players (and agents) on holiday and 3 months before the window closes. The trend in recent times has been for one or two players to sign earlier and more and more players waiting until later in the summer before committing. Plus, of course, there will be some current players mulling over contracts who we need to wait on before we know if we need to replace them. And then we need to wait to see if any offers come in for players we weren't looking to replace.
  19. Also available as a onesie
  20. They have had options, but it hasn't stopped many of them from being relegated anyway. Dundee, Dundee Utd, Killie, Hearts (for slightly different reasons), Hibs etc. So even those extra resources don't guarantee league safety, never mind better performances.
  21. How many golf tournaments had Butch Harmon won when we was coaching Tiger Woods to multiple victories in the Majors?
  22. From a Macron perspective I imagine the number shifted is pretty much the same whether they sell it in June or August. From a logistics perspective it probably makes little financial sense to them to launch in June when they have more profitable kit to sell.
  23. The vast majority of professional footballers aren't first team regulars. We need to find the ones that prioritise starting most weeks for a couple of seasons over being a better paid reserve team player. It's not easy, but it's certainly possible.
  24. On the plus side, if you're not Scottish, we can pretty much guarantee any new player they'll get called up for their country.
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