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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. If it's the same pool of people who are reviewing video evidence that are making the decisions on the pitch, it won't make any difference.
  2. They are just as bad in the other leagues I follow. While I am in no way defending them, it's the cheating players that are more to blame. The punishments for conning the ref are far less severe than the benefit they get if they succeed. So there's not much to lose for them.
  3. It's possible to think we were cheated out of a win and to think paedo chants are out of order.
  4. I think he's pushing a Morrison's trolley and shaking his fist at aeroplanes as they pass over.
  5. Lose the first one. Draw the second win. That means we win the 3rd one, as far as I can tell.
  6. How did we eventually line up? Stuck on work calls so can't watch any streams.
  7. There seems to be negotiations ongoing to keep Hartley - he certainly appears to be enjoying is first team football. If he did move on, he's running the risk of ending up on the bench again. I know it's not quite the same situation, but Liam Grimshaw is a good example of how things can go wrong that way.
  8. Or maybe, instead of focusing on some kind of Hollywood revenge fantasy, we can put our energy into beating them by keeping 11 men on the park. Plus, it will be Leigh Griffiths we need to worry about tonight, I'm guessing.
  9. It looks much worse when you see the footage - especially in slow motion.
  10. It's not 100% guaranteed to be on there, but it often is.
  11. But don't forget to turn it back up if we win.
  12. Aye, don't get me started on the 4-steps rule from the Airdrie semi-final replay...
  13. Tanner does better playing off a striker than beside one, I think. Having said that, it took Bowman a while to make his mark, so no reason Tanner can't step up the same way.
  14. If you read the Sun expecting any kind of quality journalism, prepare for disappointment. Bottom feeders owned by one of the nastiest human beings on the planet.
  15. Another hidden gem from non-league will do nicely.
  16. Again, just based from comments earlier in the season, I think Frear and Bigi were lined up for regular first team starts and Tanner was going to be favoured ahead of Bowman (who Robinson said came into the pre-season as 4th choice striker). The problem for all those guys is that we have been picking up points without them. I'd still like to see more of them, though.
  17. The comments from Robinson the past few months seem to imply that Bigi isn't consistent enough. Although you could argue he needs more game time to get that consistency. Of course, given that we are just guessing about players coming and going, it might be nothing to do with him.
  18. I hope it's with a view to bring in someone with a bit more creativity. Been missing that for a few seasons now.
  19. Most good players enjoy taking dog's abuse and use it as a motivation to play even better and stick one on the supporters.
  20. Our U20s will be so strong thanks to Project Brave, we'll just field them in the League Cup group stages.
  21. Having heard the club's perpsective on the red card appeal I completey agree with it. In particular regarding helping Cedirc move on and focus on the upcoming games. I'm sure we'll cope without him next July in our first group game against Albion Rovers.
  22. Aye, Fir Park is a decent size - it just feels smaller because of how close the stands are to the playing surface. Plus our slope is bigger - so our players probably expend more energy running up and down that than they did running that extra 5 yards at Hampden!
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