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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. Aye, 57% seems low to me. Not right now, but gives me the fear that 10 or 20 years from now - maybe during a property boom, for example - somebody can manipulate their way to getting control of the club and start building a supermarket on Fir Park. I'm also still unclear how voting works i.e if I suddenly find myself with shares and Well Society membership, do I get 2 votes on certain matters? If so, which matters? I like the idea of one member, on vote we have in the Society and wouldn't like to see that disappear. In general I'm in favour of selling some shares, but with all the good work the Society has done this season, and our success on the park so far, I don't want to see us extend ourselves too far. Once the shares are sold, we have no control over what happens to them. If the percentages above are correct, I'd be more comfortable with about half that number being sold, and with no voting rights. It all seems a bit rushed for something that has a potentially significant impact on the club's ownership and future.
  2. I don't even want a tribute, thanks. I just don't get this need to keep rolling out tributes, silences, hand claps etc. all the time. They don't even do that at games over here - in a place that can be the most overly-sentimental, syrupy, maudlin country in the world. I'm sure we all have friends and family we have lost over the years and find ways to remember them privately without walking around the house asking everyone to clap. Nobody at the club is going to forget Phil, or any of the other people young and old we have lost. In the meantime, can we please just go ahead with the game and enjoy it for what it is - a game of football where we have a (small) chance of winning a Cup.
  3. Also note that the convention was to never have an "I" or an "O" in case people confused them with ones and zeroes.
  4. You've every right to be. As normal as it seemed at the time, it is a weird system. Made weirder by the fact that it was only the half-time scores that were reported. We had to listen to the radio on the way home, or get back to a telly before we found out the full-time scores.
  5. I could be misremembering, but I think the "secret" was that clubs listed the matches in different orders rather than the standard "alphabetical by home team" they do now. It still wasn't difficult to work out though, as there was always somebody close by with a programme.
  6. Sometimes, they didn't even read them out. They just had a boy put up numbers on a board. I found this picture of the old one at Bay View. And there was a Subbuteo version:
  7. Also encourages more people to buy programmes so they can work out the secret half-time scores code: A: nil - nil B: one - nil C: one - one etc.
  8. I look at my watch when they kick off and then time it from there.
  9. Agree that teams will be on to us now and we need to adjust a little. We do need to add a little more guile back into some areas and for now, Bigi, Tanner and Frear provide our best options. Robinson has given us a great platform to build on and hit the immediate target of keeping away from relegation battles. I fully expect to see a few more additions during the next couple of windows that will add a little more creativity.
  10. Word was it needs replaced rather than repaired - which doesn't surprise me given its age. 'Flow mentioned during the summer they were looking at creative ways to get a new one (which I assumed was some kind of sponsorship arrangement) but obviously that hasn't happened.
  11. I was expecting one guy with a sparkler and the rest of the Bois watching a stream from their suite in Vegas. (and I'd still have contributed)
  12. Agreed. The Bois have done a great job to organize this, and it has been an incredible response from the fans to hit the target so quickly. Changing the plan now, however good the intention, might upset some of the contributors who expected the excess to help the Well Society.
  13. One bad half after an outstanding week, and the knives are out. The regular moaners must be delighted they can get back into their stride. As for ball players, I have been saying all season we need to bring a few in during the next window. I always imagined this line up was Robinson's first step to make us difficult to beat, with the next step to add some creativity. It certainly worked for wee Tommy, who went from park-the-bus to al-out-attack over a few seasons. As for this game, I was expecting a draw or a narrow defeat, so no big surprises yet. Our creative options are limited, but Tanner or Bigi can certainly add an extra dimension. Or maybe just pass it to Frear.
  14. Aye, but we'll have both.
  15. He did, but I don't think anyone at Hibs was trying to "take him out with a head knock".
  16. He was indeed. And let's not forget Bobby Russell who sometimes goes unmentioned. Another top quality player who could put his foot on the ball and instinctively find Coop without needing to lift his head.
  17. Cup final. Check. 3rd place in league. Check. Pleasing. Check.
  18. I watched the Dundee highlights last night. Amazing that they lost to Thistle in a game they could easily have won by 4 or 5. Will be a tough one.
  19. The ref let it play out like a good old fashioned cup tie. Would be a shame if that approach was undermined by the authorities. I imagine most neutrals enjoyed it.
  20. Having eyes on the ball, unfortunately, doesn't let you get off with elbows to the face. If it does go to a compliance officer, I imagine it will boil down to what the referee says i.e. did he think he missed something at the time or does he stand by his action (or non-action). If it goes that far, I'd say it's about 50/50 for a suspension.
  21. Far too many for me to pick a favourite, but from the one's I have seen in person: Some great goals from the Pettigrew/Graham combination. Marinello scored some crackers. When we had to beat Brechin (I think it was Brechin) to guarantee our promotion back to the SPL, everything was a bit tense until a young Andy Walker stayed calm to slot the opener. An even younger Paul Mills scoring at the death against Dunfermline at East End Park. The sweeping move that left Dougie Arnott at the end of a TC cross when we beat Rangers 2 - 1 at Fir Park. Brian McLaughlin on a mazy run beating half a dozen Accies players to score. Alfie Conn's lob against East Stirling that opened his account at Fir Park. Andy Walker's dummy to score in the '86 Skol Cup Semi against Celtic. The most spectacular by far was Bruce Cleland at Love Street. He picked up the ball at the half-way line and was still in the centre circle when he let one fly into the back of the net. We lost that game, though. One more I just remembered. We used to have a free-kick routine that involved Willie Irvine and Brian McLaughlin having a fake argument over who was going to take it - McLaughlin was the usual taker. In this routine, Irvine grabbed the ball and immediately after placing it chipped a delicate lob over the wall while a 'Well player peeled off to gather and shoot. I only ever saw it work once, and it was Ian Clinging who scored it against Airdrie.
  22. The piece I saw, McCall seems to be cringing every time they talk to him and call him "Rangers legend". I know it didn't end well, but the guy obviously loved his time at our club - BT Sport today only seemed to want him with his Rangers hat on whereas I think he would have been delighted for 'Flow and the club that they won. I don't normally like Sutton, but he was quite entertaining post-match.
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