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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. Beat me to it. Especially when we have so many signings to make, and depending on what players will accept, it's all about risk/reward. 2 year contracts give us a chance to assess players and offer extensions after 6 -12 months.For a club with our finances it's arguably better to lose 2 good players for free at the end of 2 years than have 2 bad players on our books for 3 years. Tying up our younger prospects on longer deals is more important.
  2. Teams like Liverpool in the 70s and 80s thrived by making most of their appointments in-house. However, if guys like Las want to keep playing regularly for their last year or two they might need to move on. I'd like to see Big Mick stick around too, but would not be surprised if he ends up with a role at Celtic. As for Robinson, he seems very much his own man, and will choose an assistant that supports his philosophy over any other considerations.
  3. Aye, he's one of those players whose on-field attitude is almost a polar opposite of his off-field persona. No questioning his commitment to his employers, though. Spot on with his comments about his Celtic team mates that should have taken a good look at themselves for blowing the title, too. I did hear from a reliable source (I know, I know - but I trust this one) that his wife didn't fancy moving to Australia in January. Be interesting to see if that's where he ends up.
  4. Also puts into perspective the headlines of how we robbed him of his "dream move" when we knocked back Rangers bid. I doubt his agent could have kept a straight face when he fed that line to the press. I always enjoy listening to Skippy's interviews. He comes across as one of the good guys.
  5. Mexico gave Darren Randolph a good workout last night. They are a pretty decent side this year and well worth their victory over the Irish, Thanks to the commentators, I also learned that Darren's Dad is American and played in the Irish Basketball league. Did not know that.
  6. He obviously picked up a lot from his bomb scare team mates.
  7. I have seen some great Motherwell sides play in a white top. At the end of the day, however, I don't really care what colour it is as we rarely need to wear one.
  8. If they didn't change the designs every season, the kids could grow out of their old ones and have the new ones bought by the end of May.
  9. There's not much scope for opposition thanks to the League Cup and the early start to the season. Especially if you want English teams involved.
  10. Black, or anything fluorescent, should be nowhere near a football top. But I'm old and know nothing.
  11. Bringing back the guy with the spearmint and the macaroons is a great idea that could only be bettered if he also sold Chipmunk Crisps and Kia-Ora.
  12. weeyin

    Lionel Ainsworth

  13. Pour sponsor, they called it. Only Tennant's products served in any of the MFC bars.
  14. Saw that tweet this morning. Sounds like another step in the right direction. My first suggestion is a kick off meeting in the Florida Keys.
  15. weeyin

    Lionel Ainsworth

    Not unexpected. Good luck the guy and look forward to seeing him back at Fir Park in January when he's loaned back.
  16. As entertaining as they can be (or not, if you watched the Huddersfield v Reading game yesterday), I've never been a fan of the playoffs to decide promotion/relegation. The entire point of a league is to reward the teams that win the most points over the course of a season and penalize those with the least. If you want a play-off format, stick that in something like the League Cup where people's livelihoods aren't at stake.
  17. weeyin

    Lionel Ainsworth

    I know. Imagine being happy playing your football with us and having your family settled in the area, and then hoping to get a new contract. Madness.
  18. He was. I said at the time it looked reckless for an untested manager, and looks even more reckless now with 3 years left. Unless they managed to get a relegation clause added to the deal.
  19. I've lived through many incarnations of the League Cup from 2 legged affairs to the groups. The one I always preferred was the format of one game per tie, extra time/pens if necesary, final played before the New Year. It addresses all the issues of too many games and makes games a worthwhile trip for away fans.
  20. They were already running at a big loss when they sold them. Something like 5 or 6 million in debt. Although the were able to secure favourable terms with some wealthy investors, they were bleeding money. The fees they were receiving for the big transfers were offset by the comparatively large wages and very long term contracts they gave to guys who never amounted to anything. And, as you mentioned, the slice that was going into others' pockets. It's why I used to get annoyed by posters on here who just looked at the fees paid for guys like GMS and complained we weren't doing the same. When in reality, the amount of cash spent across the club to generate those fees was more than the fees themselves. Even with their recent budget slashes, their last accounts showed a loss of 1.5 million.
  21. weeyin

    Lionel Ainsworth

    Agreed. His best (and only) position is attacking wide right. If we don't want to play him there we shouldn't bother discussing a new contract.
  22. No surprise to us, but some posters had Utd and Falkirk as favourites to win. Once again, however, a season of top flight games gives the Premiership team a significant edge over two legs. Would have been happy if Utd were promoted, but shows again how difficult it is to get out of the Championship as, in effect, only one team ever comes up.
  23. I wasn't a critic, but did express reservations when 'Flo took over Leann's role as I didn't think he had the experience to be a COO. However, I was happy enough when it turned out he was, in fact, performing the GM role as it was a role he was basically performing anyway. I think he has done a great job under unique circumstances, and he always comes over well in the media. Not to say there haven't been mistakes, but how many clubs in the UK have transitioned from administration to fully owned by fans? By its very nature that means we have had to make some of this up as we went along. Now, here we are at the end of a tough season with top flight team, a perfect playing surface and a fan owned club. If you had said 4 or 5 years ago this is where we'd be, I doubt many would have believed it.
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