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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. McGhee has 3 parts to his job (which he talked about when he took over). Avoid relegation. Bring through young players. Sell on players for a profit. He's doing a good job talking up Marvin - something we have been poor at in recent times. Whether he goes this window, next window or next summer, it's a good strategy. Marvin was part of the plan Les put in place to pay a small fee for players we can sell on for a larger one. The fact we could knock back 300k suggests it's working.
  2. Griffiths scores that many goals against us, I wouldn't be surprised if he grabbed one even while suspended. Good news that he's not playing, though.
  3. Regardless of his value, what he's worth is what someone is actually willing to pay for him. Time will tell if these are the same numbers.
  4. Nothing any player does against Killie will ever make up for the transgressions of Derek McDicken.
  5. Lee Clark talking about their penalty claim: "I’ve seen the footage [of the penalty incident] a couple of times over and it could be a great opportunity for a penalty. What it certainly isn’t is a foul against Souley. It’s a double whammy because we think we should have a pen and also then there’s a foul given against my striker." I know may be biased, but having watched it on Alba last night I think the ref was 100% correct. Souley fouled his man out side the box then before he fell over inside he had grabbed a handful of shirt. EDIT: Then again, he might be talking about a different incident. That's what happens when I need to get up early for work on a Sunday.
  6. Racking my brains now. Was it Muirton Park I'm thinking of?
  7. If memory serves me correctly, and it might not at my age, I think Rugby Park used to be the biggest (or maybe second biggest) playing surface in the league. Changing the area, mind you, smacks a little of desperation.
  8. weeyin

    New Cup Formats

    I predict at least one of those teams (and I include Aberdeen and Hearts in there) will be in the group stage next season. And it remains to be seen how seriously Celtic takes the next round.
  9. weeyin

    New Cup Formats

    The format for the league cup is OK, although it remains to be seen how long clubs take it seriously in future seasons. I can see certain teams worrying more about their glamour friendlies than games against Annan. My bigger concern is that those in charge think tinkering with the formats is the solution to the underlying malaise in our game. So rather than tackling the issues across the board, we are, to quote that intellectual heavyweight Sarah Palin, putting liptstick on a pig.
  10. Exactly. It's like when my company bills my time to a client. If I got that money in my pocket, I'd retire. Unfortunately there are those pesky overheads like tax, insurance, heat, light, internet, phones, holidays, training etc. that also have to be paid - not to mention the time when I'm not working for a client. Would be great if turnover = profit.
  11. The Accies game meant something to me only because I lived in Hamilton and had a lot of Accies supporting mates. So bragging rights were important, especially at school. Games against teams like Hearts, however, always felt more derby-ish, just because of the history.
  12. Is Motherwell vs Clydebank a derby these days?
  13. 30 quid sent via paypal. Was able to spring for a bit extra thanks to the favourable exchange rate.
  14. It's even more naive to think that any information that leaks is anywhere near true. Of course we can work out approximate wage scales for players based on our annual budget, but that's different from guys blabbing about their wages.
  15. I don't think the players discuss their wages with punters, no.
  16. Saying "I didn't come here for the money" isn't the same as "I don't get paid very much".
  17. Still amazes me that players will happily share their contract details with punters. They need better agents.
  18. Not a bad move to placate the fans seeing as Greg Stewart also looks to be on the move. Be interesting to see how he performs at a higher level.
  19. On the other hand, if we brought in a player for 30k and moved them on for 500k every year, we'd have one of the best business models in the SPFL.
  20. The main driving force is that Les set up the infrastructure to identify players to bring in, develop and move on for a fee - even if we had to lay out some cash up front. He set that up in tandem with his strategy to develop from within the club. We had been terrible at doing that in recent seasons, but I fully expect to see one of our top players move on every year now. That's not necessarily a bad thing as long as we keep doing the right thing when it comes to our scouting methods and youth development. It's really the best way for a club like our to sustain itself.
  21. At the very least this should be part of the Ins & Outs. Too many personnel related threads opening up. As trolling goes, however, 2/10.
  22. I would't rush to judgement on anything based on our first competitive game in the middle of a preseason with new defenders. If we are still doing it in September, that's a different story.
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