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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. weeyin

    Mark McGhee

    I'm fine with bringing in some fringe players or U20s. But experimenting with our best attacking threat at left back was pointless.
  2. I thought the system they used over here to rank College Football Teams was the most complicated. Looks like I was wrong.
  3. I thought Kennedy's contract expired in 2017. EDIT: seems like I thought correctly.
  4. weeyin

    Mark McGhee

    While overall I am very much in the pro-McGhee camp, there are certainly games where I think he has lost the plot. Certainly, he tries to be too clever sometimes and overthinks himself. His quote today about Marvin being fine at left back because his is a good athlete, is one example given that left back is all about tackling and, more importantly, positioning. For all that, however, I don't care who the manager is, every player is responsible for their own professionalism, effort and performance. Far too many today had chucked it before kick off, and that is basically cheating the paying fans. I'm still satisfied with 5th place, but as others have said, a weak capitulation leaves a bad taste in the mouth for the summer.
  5. I don't expect blood and guts in a meaningless end of season game, but the minimum I do expect is a professional application of effort. I'm sure they were all expecting to be paid today. Maybe they can donate some of it to the mugs they asked to pay to watch. It's borderline dishonest.
  6. weeyin

    Bob Mc Hugh

    Of course he's in the headlines for a few recent games, but he went from occasional sub at Fir Park to regular sub at Falkirk. This thread makes it seem he is knocking them in every week for Arsenal. He has time to improve, but even now he's not as good as the guys that were keeping him out our first team.
  7. weeyin

    Bob Mc Hugh

    A question I've often asked and I honestly can't think of one name.
  8. weeyin

    Bob Mc Hugh

    If you're seriously suggesting we'd have been better off with McHugh instead of Moult, you need some rehab over the summer. McHugh has been on the bench most of the season at a Championship team. He still has time to improve, but right now that appears to be his level.
  9. Glad he's doing OK, but even at Falkirk his regular starting position is on the bench.
  10. The U20 releases are always a tough call, and not always talent based. A combination of wanting to bring other players through, lack of likely opportunity in the 1st team and a necessarily small squad size means tough decisions to be made. As usual, though, it's rare we release somone who goes on to better things.
  11. There's certainly a few too many people who deal in ridiculous tabloid levels of hyperbole and speculation in an attempt to make their tenuous points. I'll leave that as an exercise to the interested reader to work out who they might be.
  12. The average age of defenders Hall, Kennedy, Laing and Law is 22.5. Not exactly old.
  13. Not too bothered which, given our first half of the season, is a nice position to be in. I'd have been happy to avoid the play-offs and expected to be 7th or 8th this season. 5th is a decent return on a season where we didn't start playing until February, but would nice to sign off with another win at Parkhead.
  14. Our first goal was to avoid relegation this season and it took a change of manager and half a season to even get that moving. But we got there. Then it was top 6. Which we managed. Then it was Europe in 4th. But Europe was taken out of the equation. At that point, I think that is when motivation dropped - even if it was only subconcsiously; it's often difficult to find that edge. It takes a huge effort to stop a slide. You can look north and south of the border to see that. Many teams have gone into decline and never recovered. So full credit to everyone to make 4th a possibility. It's disappointing if we fade away the last few games, but let's be honest - if we'd offered 5th or 6th in December or January, we'd have sold our granny to get that.
  15. Whoever it is at the club that keeps blabbing about contract details should be fired. Unless all this is speculation, of course.
  16. He might have made some ill-judged comments since, but it will never take away from my memories of watching him lifting the trophy. The OF seems to do that to people. I remember Davie Hay being an affable (and very good) manager and, based on his appearance on the radio, someone with great affection for our club. Once he went back to Celtic, however, the pressure and the media seemed to turn him into a miserable, twisted old bugger.
  17. Forget the authorities. It's just unsafe if fans run down steps and run around on the ptich. Guess who pays if someone hurts themselves, or worse, accidentally hurts a player, during a pitch invasion? I'm the last person to support the health and safety brigade, but I don't want my club to suffer financially because insurance premiums are hiked due to someone getting hurt. And let's be honest here - it wouldn't have been exactly unexpected if there had been more serious consequences after what happened during the play-offs last season. I'm a big supporrter of standing at games and I think the current laws are unnecessarily restrictve. In particular as they were a result of the Hillsborough events that have been proved to be a failure of the police rather than the fans. The way to address this, however, is to get the rules changed. If you have the club's interest at heart, fight for the rules to be changed. That would be real progess.
  18. I agree that I think he'll stay, but I can't imagine any club (even ours) would create a contract where we must re-sign a player that we don't want. For example, if he had a terrilble season, or worse, suffered injury issues, would we really want to be in a position where we payed out a wage next season to a guy who might never start a game? Make zero sense. For all that, I'd be happy to see him back at Fir Park next season and it seems Skippy enjoys playing for us and would be mutually beneficial. I still find it amusing that some fans didn't want him back because he kissed a badge while playing for Celtic. Any time I ever heard him speak or read an interview he always spoke highly of his time with us. The guy oozes experience and even after he had decided to move on the first time around he always gave 100%. Total professional who I'd be delighted to see finish his career at Fir Park.
  19. While I can see McGhee's point that players lose that edge once they meet their goals, it's still disappointing to see a season peter out. All the more so when the difference in prize money can make a big difference to a club like ours. Hopefully we can regroup for a win,
  20. It's all a bit vague and McGhee isn't exactly straightforward when it comes to signings, injuries etc. - and I mean that in a good way i.e. he never reveals his cards. The player having an option doesn't make sense to me, as he wouldn't have to put that in any contract. Unless we're saying he can make us sign him even if we didn't want him. Regardless, I'd be happy for him to stay another season, especially if we do end up selling Moult. I don't think it's coincidence Erwin and now Moult have improved playing alongside Skippy,
  21. That's a shame. I'm sure the players would liked to have thanked you for the encouragement and belief you showed them this season as they turned things around.
  22. They won't let you run on stage at concerts either. PC gone mad.
  23. I think that's more likely.
  24. We had a straightforward league setup for years - even after the introduction of the SPL. Although the original SPL was a money grab by the "Big 10". The problems started when they wanted more teams AND 4 OF games each season.
  25. If "a" supporter wants to do it, it's not problem. If 1000 supporters want to do it, do you think they'd let us? And if you don't know what unsafe standing is, you've never been to East Stirling on a Wednesday night in January.
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