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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. As for lacking experience to run the club, I'm not 100% sure about that, but if it is true then, as owners, we are free to go and find people who do have the experience to run it for us.
  2. From an Aberdeen perspective, it would be easy to see this request as more to do with our injuries than some bug hitting the squad. I think an SPFL decision would be our only real chance of postponement.
  3. Apart from the initial cock up when an error in the Society provisions meant we had to buy shares, the Society only lends money to the club, so it should never suffer from empty coffers. In fact, as funds are paid from members, the coffers should see a steady growth.
  4. I thought from various Twitter statements the Society did have a table set out at most home games. Has that not been happening?
  5. Apparently there are multiple databases that they are trying to consolidate, but it has been recognized as an issue.
  6. "The Society" isn't running the club, and there was never any intention that they would. The Society owns the club. The Board will still be running it and the members will get a say on who is on the Board. Except that might not happen until Les gets his money back regardless of the shareholding.
  7. I remember years ago on Radio Clyde, Jimmy Sanderson (told you it was years ago) was discussing whether TV evidence should be allowed when reviewing disciplinary issues. There was great debate at the time, because only one or two games were being covered each weekend, so some people argued it wasn't fair to use it if it wasn't available for each match. His point was that ignoring TV evidence would be like the police ignoring CCTV evidence because not all houses have CCTV cameras. I don't see how the Compliance Officer reviewing the games is Trial by Television given that he has access to all the footage of all the games these days. I know people have a low opinion of these guys, but I seriously doubt that the process consists of listening to Pat Nevin on a Sunday evening and then just looking at what he said. The bottom line is Skippy elbowed someone in the face and we all saw it on telly. The level of conspiracy theories, and suspicions of bias, and outrage is reaching OF levels of paranoia. If we were being hauled up in front of the authorities every week, that would be one thing, but the number of occasions that has happened are pretty rare. Not only that, but there have also been occasions when we have had red cards rescinded, in part, because of the TV footage that has shown no red card offence was committed. If we are happy to accept TV evidence when it clears players, we can't really argue when TV evidence identifies offences being committed.
  8. Enough for what? As far as I can see, not too much has changed - although obviously the devil is in the detail. Les' shares have gone to the Society, but we still owe him is money back over the next few years. That money is supposed to be repaid from the club. The way the club should be paying Les back is by running a break even, or close to break even budget and selling on players. It may take a year or two to get to the break even budget, but that should be the aim. We have been poor at selling on players at recent times, but there seems to be a renewed motivation to both bring in youngsters and sell on talent. I would not be surprised to see both Moult and Johnson sold on during the summer, and that should put a large dent in the repayments. "All" we need to do is, on average, sell on one player for 200k each season for 5 seasons and there is 1 million paid off. If we do run at break even, then any money raised by the society is purely a reserve to *lend* funds the club during periods of traditional low cash flow or emergencies. Because The Society is only supposed to lend money, then if fans are contributing each year, that reserve should grow year on year. I understand it's won't be quite as simple as this, but the fundamentals remain: 1) Run at break even 2) Develop and sell on players It seems that our board had become a little complacent before Les stepped in, assuming levels of success that were unsustainable. Les had made a lot of positive changes to the structure of the club and the way it is being run, and those were much needed. Anyway, no doubt we will learn some more over the coming days. It sounds like interesting times ahead. If I was living locally, I'd love to get stuck in to whole process and help figure things out.
  9. Sell Johnson and Moult for 500k each in the summer and we are good to go.
  10. You are not wrong. Break even should be the underpinning of any business plan we write.
  11. If you are speeding and you get a ticket, "But other people were speeding too" is no defence. Likewise if you deliberately elbow someone in the face. Does anyone think it was accidental? Or is the "outrage" because he got caught? A 60 second segment on a low rated football programme isn't exactly a witch hunt. I haven't read any more articles about it since the game itself; except on here.
  12. The Coca-Cola logo is certainly iconic, but I don't like it on our claret hoop.
  13. There is no conspiracy. He elbowed a boy in the face in front of a TV camera. Skippy has previous with his niggly fouls and stray elbows etc. with us and his other teams. Sportscene looks at incidents like that every week. If the ref saw it and took not action, it shouldn't be reviewed, but with all this conspiracy chat it's starting to smell a but oldfirmy in this thread.
  14. weeyin


    Just for kicks, and without any agenda other than personal interest in the figures, I pulled up our league stats since the SPL was created. We have been relegated twice. Been in the relegation spot twice, but saved due to reconstruction and the all-seater stadium rule. Finished one place above relegation 4 times and avoided relegation by winning a play-off once. Our combined average position is 6.97 (without adjusting for the fact some seasons were 10 team leagues and others 12) In 10 team leagues, our average position is 7.06 In 12 team leagues, our average position is 5 For stats junkies, our Median position is 7.5 and Mode is 8 (which means we have finished 8th more than any other position) Our position in Div 1 are not included in the stats. 75-76 4th from 10 (2 relegated) - Ian St John was the gaffer that season! 76-77 7th from 10 (2 relegated) 77-78 6th from 10 (2 relegated) 78-79 10th from 10 RELEGATED 79-80 6th in Div 1 80-81 5th in Div 1 81-82 1st in Div 1 82-83 8th from 10 (2 relegated) 83-84 10th from 10 RELEGATED 84-85 1st in Div 1 85-86 9th from 10 (saved from relegation by reconstruction) 86-87 8th from 12 (2 relegated) 87-88 8th from 12 (3 relegated) 88-89 9th from 10 (1 relegated) 89-90 6th from 10 (1 relegated) 90-91 6th from 10 (no relegation due to reconstruction) 91-92 10th from 12 (2 relegated) 92-93 9th from 12 (2 relegated) 93-94 3rd from 12 (3 relegated) 94-95 2nd from 10 (1 relegated, 1 play-off) 95-96 8th from 10 (2 relegated) 96-97 8th from 10 (1 relegated, 1 play-off) 97-98 9th from 10 (1 relegated) 98-99 7th from 10 (1 relegated) 99-00 4th from 10 (no relegation due to reconstruction) 00-01 8th from 12 (1 relegated) 01-02 11th from 12 (1 relegated) 02-03 12th from 12 (saved from relegation by Falkirk's stadium) 03-04 6th from 12 (1 relegated) 04-05 6th from 12 (1 relegated) 05-06 8th from 12 (1 relegated) 06-07 10th from 12 (1 relegated) 07-08 3rd from 12 (Gretna!) 08-09 7th from 12 (1 relegated) 09-10 5th from 12 (1 relegated) 10-11 6th from 12 (1 relegated) 11-12 3rd from 12 (1 relegated) 12-13 2nd from 12 (1 relegated) 13-14 2nd from 12 (2 relegated, 1 via play-off) 14-15 11th from 12 (won play off)
  15. TBF, I'd expect nothing less from a team fighting for survival. That's why they are so difficult to play against. Of course it's up to the ref to deal with it, but if they don't then that's what happens. The good thing is we dealt with it and we won. As for Skippy, he's got previous with the red mist and he was dead lucky to stay on the park.
  16. weeyin


    Still, at least you've found something to miserable about after a good win from us last night. So at least there's that,
  17. weeyin


    Looks like Accies are starting their relegation saving run...
  18. Aye, except even Craggs thought it should have been red.
  19. Aye, he sounds like a vicar commenting on a Sunday School football match.
  20. weeyin

    Mark McGhee

    I'm more pro than anti McGhee, but I think he is a little less foot-in-mouth these days. I find his arrogance to be quite entertaining at times as it's often in the form of subtle digs at clueless journos.
  21. No vote from me, as I wasn't at the game, but good to see Thomas put in a shift when he got his chance.
  22. Not pretty from United, but it's been working for them recently and sometimes you need to try and battle your way out from their position. Glad to see, like against Accies, we stood up to it well. Enjoyed the game tonight. Under the floodlights, greasy pitch with the ball zipping around, crunching tackles, open play and some quality in the second half. You wouldn't see a game like that on plastic in the summer (or the winter).
  23. Aye, every game we have lost this season has been 100% down to ex-players scoring. It's amazing we ever pick up a point.
  24. weeyin


    It could, but Ross County showed last season what a team on a run can do at the end of a campaign.
  25. Did we have any add-ons for Murphy getting a Scotland cap? (Although I suppose if we did, his recent move might have nullified that anyway).
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