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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. Many people that speed don't cause accidents, though. It's just a few that do. Same with crowd control. Most fans don't cause problems, but some do. So rather than pick and choose which regulations to enforce against which motorists or which fans, the authorities just apply them to every motorist and every fan.
  2. Been saying that for years. Instead of our tendency to sit deeper and deeper during the second half of games we should be pressing in the opponent's half.
  3. People speed every day on the M74 and only a few get a ticket. "Everyone else is doing it" won't pass legal muster.
  4. If I had some spare cash I'd also stick a tenner on you scoring an injury time goal.
  5. Remember when we knocked back their bid for Skippy and the headlines were all about how we killed his "dream move" to Ibrox? Good times.
  6. I wasn't there, but I believe at one of either the club or Well Society Q&A's 'Flow's duties as GM were explained, including how they were different from the work that Dempster had been doing.
  7. You do that. I'm off to grab some lunch, have a couple of beers and enjoy the rest of the weekend.
  8. Is that so Saints fans can moan about how their ex-players "always come back to haunt them?"
  9. Gordon (night)Mair and John (the Rile)Reilly in the same team. There was a force to be reckoned with. And everything Wishart brought to the table at full back, Derek Murray left behind.
  10. weeyin

    The Players

    Peter "the next George Best" Marinello was the only 10 that played at Fir Park. Combining his celebrity lifestyle with heavy drinking in a career shortening way that guys like Lasley and Sutton can only dream of.
  11. No vote from me, but glad to hear McManus stepped up when required. Can be frustrating at times, but no doubt he is quality when he applies himself for the 90 minutes.
  12. 3 points against the worst team in the league. Delighted we won, but need to make sure we keep the momentum going over the next few games.
  13. Sounds like we got the wee break we needed with United hitting the bar at 1 - 0.
  14. Government cutbacks. Same reason as BBC 3 went 100% interwebs today and they are losing huge amounts of live coverage of other major sporting events.
  15. It's called "getting a thread back on topic". We used to do it all the time in the old days. I can feel a surprise win in the air for us tonight based on nothing more than the surprise weather here today.
  16. It's not steel we need. It's some creativity.
  17. Same problem with McManus - he seems to switch off for 2 or 3 minutes most games and we end up conceding.
  18. The "fitness" question wasn't the stupid one I was talking about, it was the kind journos love to ask in the "manufacturing a quote" category. It's just a version of the "Have you stopped beating your wife?" question.
  19. I know they like to rotate media duites, but I'd like to see McManus at the press conference every week. His time at Celtic obviously prepared him for the stupid questions and the journos trying to stir things up by manufacturing a quote. He keeps them all in line and always an entertaining listen.
  20. Back in the days when we just needed to mention a name and Aberdeen were all over them.
  21. Aye, it would bring a whole new level of "ex player coming back to haunt us" BS to this site.
  22. To be fair, when the whole of Scottish football (and arguably the entire professional game) is going in the wrong direction, it's difficult to know how any club could swim against that particular tide.
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