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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. If our defenders had read the opinions of Vigurs on here, they probably thought he wasn't worth marking.
  2. +1 on the playmaker. We have struggled to find a consistent performer in that role. A fit Vigurs being the closest in recent times.
  3. Apparently we finished second bottom last season, well behind ICT.
  4. weeyin

    Josh Law

    Easiest job on the park for me is in the slot behind the strikers. Space, time and if you make a mistake, you get applauded for trying instead of slated.
  5. You're right. Sportsmanship is going to be the death of our game.
  6. In a game where there are many average players and managers whose talents are overestimated by the media, Yogi's talents seem to fly under the radar. His record holds up well against his peers.
  7. Saw Murphy scored again today. Could be playing in the EPL next season.
  8. He's still learning and developing, but happy to give him some time. It took guys like Porter a while to settle in and get up to speed and he turned out OK.
  9. Soft (re-taken) pen + deflected goal. Bad day at the office.
  10. weeyin


    Rangers are his big team, though. He was obviously upset post-match in last season's play-offs.
  11. weeyin


    Whether he claims to be a St Mirren fan or not, you'd have to be blind not to spot his affinity with the blue side of the Old Firm. Only an Excuse is funny because it amplifies the truth with a bit of satire. Nothing wrong with that in principle - it's when it biases your interviews etc. that it becomes a problem. His discussion with our own GM after the play-off win is a prefect example of this.
  12. True, but that was a one-off transaction because, bizarrely, the Society structure was not allowed to make loan legally that year. Still boggles the mind that the lawyers didn't spot that one during creation.
  13. I read the terms and conditions, but it was still unclear if I will be able to use my plot to scatter the family's ashes in coming years.
  14. Sounds like a typical lower league Conference team.
  15. weeyin


    Or he'll just stop covering the summer tournaments, but stay on for SPFL coverage in the winter
  16. As far as I know (which may be wrong), the club can't take any money from the Society. Only borrow it.
  17. Someone who was at a Q&A can answer better than me - although I believe there are details published somewhere too. From memory, though, the loan was made ot the club and the club is supposed to service the loan. Once the loan is paid off, the Society buys the majority shareholding. I think there is provision in there for the Society to make up the shortfall if the club fails to make a full repayment, but nothing more.
  18. The club is, I believe, servicing the loan.
  19. weeyin


    True, but niche markets are exactly the markets a public service broadcaster is supposed to cover. (Plus, football would be pretty boring if you only ever heard about your own club).
  20. weeyin


    Sounds like they'd be better reverting to the old approach of 30 minute highlights of one game and leave the rest to the internet sources.
  21. Right, but I'll bet we can change the constitution if we want to. Problem is, there are few people with the time or the energy to explore how to do that, and then garner sufficient support. I do think there is a shortage of people willing. Not because they are lazy, but because it takes an enormous amount of time and commitment to do this kind of thing well.
  22. I think Kerr is better than Cowdenbeath level.
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