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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. I think he's still beelin' about the fact the new owner gave Baraclough some cash to spend when he came in.
  2. I'd say Marvin's good/bad ratio since he joined is much better than 1/10.
  3. The training facilities are obviously better, but I'm not convinced about the coaching (in the lower leagues at least). Given what we've seen from the English players that end up at Fir Park it's rare that they have better technique than their Scottish counterparts. Like you say, though, could still work out fine for him. Maybe the ideal would have been for us to sell him, but hold in to him for a year.
  4. Of course he went for money. And I don't blame him. I blame the people that advise guys like him. When you're that age, taking the money now rather than waiting a year and getting more later will always seem the best approach. And if you're an agent, you want your player to make as many moves as they can. That's why so many end up back here.
  5. We made him two offers and suggested he'd be better off playing in our first team than Leeds' development squad. He decided otherwise, so we drafted in replacements. We don't need him back.
  6. Don't forget Pearson and the re-signing of Dom Thomas too. EDIT: Browser went mental there for a minute.
  7. I still think his biggest flaw was not so much underestimating the standard of the SPFL as underestimating how poor the team he took over actually was.. I think most managers would have thought that the team that finished 2nd in the league the prior season couldn't turn so bad so quickly.
  8. Sorry, was replying to Brazilian's request for a reason not to re-hire him.
  9. He was also managing one of the best squads we have had in recent times. All in place before he took over. He did a great job his first season, and managed the whole Phil situation with great dignity. All that good work was offset by the signing of Bob Malcolm and the contract extension of Bob Malcolm.
  10. OK, if that won't float your boat, how about the fact that within a week he'll be touting himself for the Celtic job. Or interviewing for the Hearts job.
  11. If we need to sign any new players it will be this time in 2018 before he hears back from his German contacts.
  12. As always during our hiring process, I'd be surprised if anyone in the media has an actual clue about who is the leading candidate.
  13. Depends how you look at it. If Dundee Utd decided their business model depended on selling on young players, then giving the man who develops them a cut could be seen as a good idea. If it was up to him who to sell, then to would be shady, but presumably he had no say in the matter. In general, I'd much rather someone like him received a cut, than an agent who does nothing to develop talent and is only interested in how many times they can move on a client so they get their 15%.
  14. Don't disagree, but if the defender had shoved Skippy the same way, I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have got the pen. Different rules in the box these days.
  15. McManus is probably one of the most accomplished speakers in front of the press, so pretty low risk. Wherever he got the black eye, I thought he dealt with the questions about unrest and fights etc. very skillfully.
  16. I was more concerned that the Club Chairman wasn't at the Morton game.
  17. He won a league title and 2 cups before he joined us. Of course it was in Ireland, but it's still more than McCall, McGhee, Buther etc. had won as managers.
  18. weeyin

    Jake Taylor

    While that's not always the case with a loan signing, I think in this case it's spot on.
  19. weeyin

    Jake Taylor

    I'm sure you're right. I can't imagine it could ever be enforceable under any sort of employment law. Not even football employment law.
  20. It's what I read in your comment about "Gameplan discussed at length". If it wasn't what you meant, then it turns out we agree.
  21. I think Baraclough said it was the other side this time.
  22. Aye, bloody foreigners. Coming over to the US and taking our jobs.
  23. weeyin

    Baraclough Out

    Unless, of course, Robinson was being groomed to work with Craigan alert>
  24. weeyin

    Jake Taylor

    If it's specified in a contract, they can sue us for breach of contract. I'd be very surprised if it was, though, as it doesn't make much sense in a professional sport..
  25. So you honestly believe, the *only* tactic discussed for the Accies game was that one? There's no way to argue against that, so I didn't bother.
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