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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. weeyin

    Well Bois

    You're right. Which made it a bit of a rush to get to the away games, but we somehow managed.
  2. weeyin

    Well Bois

    I don't think it's just nostalgia - although obviously difficult to be objective. I was a teenager when we were dossing around in the First Division and I think that's when the football bug really bites. I went to most of the home and away games, met up with my good mates at all of them and enjoyed the craic (which you had to do when we were so bad) and loved visiting all the old stadiums. Live football was almost unheard off, so the week revolved around 3pm on a Saturday plus the occasional 7:45pm on Wednesday night. But that was it. Mon - Thu was spent analyzing the Sat performance, then Friday was all about the weekend game. On the Ball and Football focus at lunchtime before heading out to watch then rushing back to the car to listen to Richard Park, Jimmy Sanderson or Bob Crampsie on the radio. Then Archie on telly on a Saturday night and Arthur on a Sunday afternoon. Standing on the terraces defintitely added to the experience. Good times, and a shame for the younger generation that never got to experience it.
  3. weeyin

    Well Bois

    Not forgetting yir Kia-ora and Chipmunk crips.
  4. That's exactly what I'd want from my players in a meaningless friendly.
  5. weeyin

    Mfc Podcast

    There's not many humble billionaires, sadly. And even fewer humble football club owners. But if fans don't like him, then even more reason to support the Society and take over his shares. Although, the fans haven't exactly been full.of praise for our squad recently, either.
  6. weeyin

    Mfc Podcast

    I'm wary of any 'quotes' that appear in the tabloids as it is so easy to take things out of context. I'm wary of the Daily Mail even more so. He seems pretty open, though, so I'm sure if someone asked him what he meant, he wouldn't hesitate to tell them.
  7. weeyin

    Well Bois

    Same here. Remember the dogs and also my dad took us to the main stand for games like that. When we were dossing around in the First Division, post-fence days, they almost always opened the gate and we'd swap sides to get a closer view of Willie Irvine's goals.
  8. weeyin

    Mfc Podcast

    Nah, this was a couple of weeks ago.
  9. weeyin

    Mfc Podcast

    Some of the membership levels have a perk where you get your picture taken with the team. They organize it on the same day the official squad photo is taken.
  10. weeyin

    Mfc Podcast

    FWIW, My dad was speaking to Craigan at the Well Society team photo day. Craigan, without naming any names, said he understood the cry from the fans to blood more of the youngsters, but the guys that are close to step up aren't quite there yet and need a bit more time. On numbers alone, like I said my earlier post, we are definitely lacking. Playing U17s in the 20s is not an ideal development strategy.
  11. weeyin

    Mfc Podcast

    If we don't have senior players in the squad (like the recent Rangers game) our U20s team is certainly short on numbers. Crags has played U17s lads in there, which is not ideal.
  12. Exactly. More details required. In fact, they might already be available, I don't remember. But a refresher would be useful.
  13. "The club (and the ground) is owned by Les Hutchinson which he appears to have bought for free." "Providing a loan isn't buying something" You're arguing against yourself now. You have raised some valid points in this thread, but I'm not sure this is one of them.
  14. The money is loaned in lieu of bank loans during the season.
  15. On the Chariman's blog today, I noticed the quote "And when the club repays the loans, ownership will transfer from Les Hutchison to the society.." So it does seem that it's the club that is servicing the loan. However, we really do need some clarity on the exact nature of the financing.
  16. Saw this in the Scotsman today, lifted from a report in the Sheffield Star I can't imagine Norwich will be too happy with him if it's true.
  17. It is, yes. Check it out on our official youtube channel.
  18. Sometimes I think the people claiming to be underwhelmed have never been to a Motherwell game or read a single thing about our club. Got to love all the prejudgements too.
  19. Just listened to his interview on youtube. "what sort of player are you?" "I like to get my foot in and pass balls simple" That'll do nicely.
  20. I reckon the free transfer will be another name we're not familiar with.
  21. Seems like a good bit of business. Wonder who our contact is there that helped with the deal. I was thinking we might have had a Liverpool youngster on loan given the McAllister connection.
  22. Two hours to get the deal done. The announcement could be longer.
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