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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. I think we miss Jennings's ability to disrupt things in midfield. Defending isn't just down to the back four. The guys in the midfield should at least be slowing things down and giving our defenders a chance to regroup and position. Having said that, I still see far too much backing off and poor marking.
  2. They might allow it, but my bank told me I had to sort it out with the insurance company myself. Aye, that was you, Bank of Scotland.
  3. Hoping for an early goal as there is no doubt we will be up against parked bus tactics.
  4. Probably just banks being banks then. I had issues in the past with a Direct Debit to an insurance company. When they took my payment out twice (on more than one occasion) the bank told me that a Direct Debit is basically a contract that allowed the insurance company to take out payments whenever they wanted and the bank couldn't stop them. If the Standing Order was set up to pay out 4 times and the bank paid out 8 times, then it's the bank's error, no?
  5. If it's a Standing Order then I think it's the bank's fault for paying out too much and you should try and sort it out with them directly. If it's a Direct Debit, then it's the Society's fault for requesting too many payments, and they will need to refund you. Either way, it's a complete pain, but in the past I have had much quicker resolutions to Standing Order mistakes.
  6. Good luck trying to sign Chris Humpreys.
  7. Amazing, even for a football forum, in less than a dozen posts we go from a player: potentially leaving to leaving to be replaced by one of McCall's mates to being told he shouldn't play again because of his injury to McCall is an eejit for letting him go.
  8. Is he sure it's just the number plate that is 'too offensive for California'?
  9. weeyin

    A Worse Game

    Motherwell vs Berwick Rangers. Berwick had 10 men behind the ball for 90 minutes, Dave Smith never making a forward pass for them, and we lose 1 - 0. Easily worse than yesterday's game and not remotely unique.
  10. And he brought in some great signings.
  11. And yet they still haven't sussed that televising a 12:45 kick-off on a Sunday in Inverness might have something to do with the poor attendance.
  12. Thanks. It's not so much the questions that are a concern to me because, as you say, I can email Alison. It's more the surrounding discussions. It's good to hear others opinions on topics and to be able to contribute them.
  13. If there is no facility for some sort of dial-in/conference call I expect the overseas members' voices will be unheard again. A big thing was made of the global support this initiative received - and rightly so. I hope we aren't going to be overlooked in the future discussions.
  14. Partly, I'm sure, because Ruddy was a loan and Randolph is "one of ours". Also, as excellent as Ruddy is, he was certainly prone to the odd howler - especially towards the end of his time with us. It's been great to have both of them at Fir Park though. Wish we had managed to fill all the other positions with the same quality.
  15. The fact that there was all this debate about adding (or not adding) the extra VAT increase to ticket prices suggests we do not operate as a VAT exempt charity.
  16. Take a look here, for example, about the Dutch approach to youth football and see how many times the word "winning" is used. Of course, winning is a side effect of playing the right way, but every slide in that presentation is about developing the correct techniques and using them in 'realistic match situations'. That is a subtle, but important, difference to being match-result oriented.
  17. I imagine HMRC would treat it the same way as any other income of a non-charitable institution. But could be wrong.
  18. In countries with much more advanced youth development than Scotland, they tend not to be - even at this age. It's no coincidence that Scottish youth teams often compete well against their peers, but never match up to them at Senior level. One of the reasons is that too much emphasis is put on results. So while our competition is still developing long term skills, we are more focused on winning games. Of course, there needs to be some attention paid to that, but not at the expense of being able to, say, control a ball with both feet.
  19. I remember when it used to be men that stood beside me in The Shed. They never looked for thanks (or expected apologies if the team under performed). The whole world's gone soft, I tell ye.
  20. I'll admit I'm out of touch with UK laws these days, but that not illegal? Do you not have to be a registered charity to avoid VAT?
  21. Lee Erwin was on the fringes of the first team before his injury and might have been a good option to freshen things up (if only from the bench). And I say that as a Higgy fan.
  22. Sounds like the same level of critical thinking from the "we were voted out of the SPL" crowd. I can't see it myself, and even if it was true, why would the board be telling friends of Sevco fans before telling Well Society members?
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