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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. Agree with all the responses on here. It's sad when you lose a parent, but it's something we all deal with sooner or later. Give the lad the time off he needs, but not an event that should disrupt an SPL fixture.
  2. I'm still not sure what 'going for 2nd' means. It was obviously a special case post-split last year where McCall believed that keeping players fresh for the cup final was more important. This season he is sending out teams to win as many points as possible each week. Keep doing that and the league position will take care of itself.
  3. Every time we play them they try and stop us playing by brute force.
  4. Dundee Utd's style (i.e. bruisers that like to lump balls and players) matches up well against Rangers. They are always going to be more successful against that mob.
  5. Soccerbase has him on 11 for last season.
  6. If you contact them directly they will give you the details, but I believe you have about 9 months to pay the full amount.
  7. I joined up last week. Hopefully many others are like me and get their fingers out nearer the deadline. Just a born procrastinator.
  8. Not really. He was basically sent off. If a player is sent off and subsequently suspended he isn't being punished twice. Hope he fights it though.
  9. Closest I have over here are John Spencer (Portland) and Ally Maxwell (Phoenix), but those towns are are about as far away from me as Motherwell! In fact, we only have one famous sportsman from my wee town and that is Dan Orlovsky (QB for the Tampa Bay Bucs)
  10. Cruyff was at Barcelona by that stage. However, the Ajax team was full of Dutch internationals, a number of whom played in the 1978 World Cup final (including their captain Ruud Krol).
  11. Not that I'm saying Higgy should be playing centre half, but defenders get away with much more fouling than strikers. There are things that go on in the box at a corner that would be instant free kicks if they happened in the middle of the park.
  12. They see things from a specific angle, have to watch 5 or 6 things and once, and deal with 'professionals' constantly trying to con them. If they make 100+ decisions in a game and get even half a dozen wrong, it's not great, but I have some sympathy. I'd like to see the standard improve, but I can't see why anybody with half a brain would want to be involved at the top level.
  13. That was back in the day when STV games were in colour, but when they should the Aberdeen highlights from Grampian, they were in black & white.
  14. Totally agree with this, and I have always been in favour of 14 or 16 league expansion and equal revenue distribution. Like most modern businesses, however, there are too many Boards and Chairmen that are looking to short term profit and just cross their fingers that the long term will take care of itself.
  15. Business and sport can exist together, but when you run a business you have a legal obligation to make decisions that maximise the returns for investors/shareholders. At that stage, they are often mutually exclusive. The day we let TV companies dictate the fixture list is the day the fans lost control of the game. I'd much rather have newco back in the SPL with a 16 team league, equal split of revenues and 3pm Sat/7:45pm Wed only kick-offs than kick out newco and keep the arrangements we have now.
  16. Professional Football is a business and its sponsors expect it to deliver as many potential customers as possible.
  17. To be fair, that was possibly the worst analogy ever posted on here. It is quite entertaining watching people get so worked up about a hypothetical, mind you.
  18. No problem. Two different teams, two different sets of tactics - that will confuse the senile auld bugger!
  19. Despite the gum flapping from some chairmen, teams that are in major debt aren't going to vote out what they see as a cash cow.
  20. We know exactly how Broon is going to set his team up, so it's up to our creative players to try and carve something out. No such thing as an easy Cup Tie at this stage of the competition, but I think we can do the business at the first time of asking. 2 - 0 with our impact subs turning the game in the second half.
  21. I stopped reading here as that is just nonsense. Of course the goals scored by our top scorer has a direct effect on games. Oh, and Clarky managed to score 13 league goals in each of his last two seasons - at least one of which was in a team that was better than the one we have now.
  22. Interesting that you'll rate a defender based on how few goals his defence concedes (which is perfectly valid), but ignore goals scored when you're rating a striker such as Higdon.
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