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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. Wait until the managers are younger than you! Gannon was 3 years my junior. Thankfully, McCall is a few months older. I knew I was getting old when not only was the entire team younger than me, but I started seeing their kids breaking through.
  2. Well some people further up the thread have said their kids care about the mascots. I'm not saying this should be a top priority, but unless we have a couple of big stuffed bears in the area that were raised in the woods as Motherwell fans, then somebody needs to organize them. For me, it's better the Advisory Committee takes care of these things and let the Board get on with the bigger issues.
  3. Rally? So maybe you can enlighten us on the details of the problem.
  4. Yes, including the Carling Cup squad against Scotland.
  5. I'd be interested to see the figures on that. Loss in revenue from the OF fans would be somewhat offset by, presumably, less policing (and maybe even a slight increase in 'Well fans attending). I'm sure it would still mean a loss of revenue, but sometimes you have to suck it up for the benefit of your own. Just curious to see the loss quantified.
  6. If you go to the Motherwell FC TV home page you can click on the "My Account" button on the top right of the screen. In the Account Summary list on the left, there is a Cancel Subscription option.
  7. The fact that it's still being debated after review of the footage shows just what a useless rule it is. How do they expect a linesman to instantly assess all these factors? It was difficult enough having to keep one eye on the passer and one eye on the position of the recipient as the ball was played - especially if there was 20 or 30 yards between the two.
  8. Are you implying Steve Diggle = Craig Broon? It's all starting to make sense now.
  9. I didn't say that - I said we need to refocus on finishing top 6. That is the first step towards getting into European football. The sooner we secure top 6 the more likely we are to finish higher up the league. You're reading something I didn't say So you agree with exactly what I said, then. As a club, our first aim is to be top 6. Nowhere did I say it should be our only aim. You need to work on those hand reading skills
  10. I have those random issues too. All week it had been on Firefox. Yesterday the McCall and Higdon vids were victims of the spinning wheel/no load. Tried them on Chrome and they worked. And the audio commentary piece wasn't available on Firefox, Chrome or Explorer earlier in the day.
  11. [rant] Please don't introduce the American style slaughtering of the English language on here!! The proof is not in the pudding. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. [/rant] There are a couple of sports talk guys on my local radio station that say that all the time. Drives me nuts. I like Higgy, btw
  12. They were still good enough to beat the team in second place, and good enough to have a player come off the bench who would be in our first team every week. For the sake of argument, if we say Celtic and Motherwell first teams are equal right now, Celtic still have sufficient resources to have equally strong replacements for their first 11. We don't - and unless we are really lucky with injuries and suspensions, it will catch up with us. If we can do what Dundee Utd. did when they won the league using only 14 players, perhaps it's still possible, but games like today are something we really need to take points from.
  13. Hopefully, that result will kill all the talk about 'splitting the old firm' and refocus on finishing top 6. When you play a team who can afford to keep McCourt on the bench, it demonstrates exactly what we are up against. The depth of squad the OF can call on will ensure they win out over the long haul of a season. They might greet about financial issues, but they can still afford to spend more on one player than we spend on an entire squad.
  14. I have the exactly the same browser config on my netbook as I do on my desktop. Same versions of plugins, same version of flash, same version of firefox. I can play the vids on my desktop, but not on my netbook. Bizarre.
  15. Almost certain that it will be on eplsite.com and atdhenet.tv
  16. From what I saw (which wasn't that much) Stokes and Forrest looked sharp tonight. Hopefully that was just a blip.
  17. Depends on the process followed. If we shopped him around, then no. If any club so much as sounded him out about a move, then yes.
  18. If it's a done deal, I'm looking forward to the club's reaction to the illegal tapping of a player with 18 months left on his contract.
  19. We've had some top quality full backs at Fir Park over the years. And Derek Murray.
  20. Ah, found it, I think. Not the full article, but an extract from an Evening Times article from 2006. So, 539 is is number.
  21. I don't know total. Had a look last night, but couldn't find it anywhere. I'm sure one of our resident stattos must have it somewhere.
  22. It is just league, yes.
  23. If he makes it to 465, he will have beaten Joe Wark's appearances. Fine company to be in - especially if you are a left back.
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