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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. If they help us get Motherwell TV up and running, I'm all for it. I'm all for it anyway, of course, just because they are forking over cold, hard cash.
  2. It's pointless trying to compare prices between countries, especially for airfares and the like, as they vary considerably between countries. Exchange rates can also make a huge difference and if the Pound is weak against the DKK then they have more buying power. Business in the UK are struggling too, so they are more likely to offer good deals to tourists. There are a lot of factors to consider over and above "we're getting ripped off". Bottom line is, if you don't like the price then don't pay it. There are plenty of alternatives.
  3. No, but they laid out a lot more for Scottish Cup games than we did last season.
  4. Just think how much extra money they could have made if Motherwell TV was up and running
  5. There's some weird SFA or SPL rule about not being able to name players that aren't registered with the association. Or something. At least there used to be.
  6. How about meeting us half way and moving it to Compost Corner?
  7. That was my point. According to his on-line stats he didn't find the net once during his time in Div 2 / 3 in Belgium.
  8. How come? In one game he has just equalled his total goals scored in the Belgian 2nd & 3rd Division combined!!
  9. Aye, but we have the possibility of a chance of perhaps making the Europa Cup group stages to offer him now. I'm sure that would trump scoring the winning goal in a Champions League Final. Not to mention the lure of playing alongside Esteban.
  10. No - he was watching the Aalesunds' keeper (along with a few other scouts) apparently.
  11. One of the more recent countries to switch to summer football is Ireland. There was an article about it in the Herald a few months back. The bottom line was that the crowds had not increased. As Ireland has a similar climate, I think that is a good example of the likely effect of a similar switch in Scotland.
  12. Wherever his nurse left him, presumably.
  13. Lies. You would have been on here moaning about the lack of Euro cash needed to bring in players to our "Paper Thin Squad" (copyright - every panicking poster on here).
  14. Aye, we beat them in the Texaco Cup.
  15. weeyin


    I still regard Dundee Utd. as provincial. So no.
  16. As opposed to spending money on a summer holiday? Why more income? The only reports I have ever read about summer football showed that the crowd size didn't change. The only difference for the telly is that SPL games would be shuffled around the schedule so the Olympics/Cricket/Boat Race could be shown. And there is no way any English club who had just finished a season would loan out any knackered player for more the summer. The easiest way to improve football for the fans is bring back standing and kick off at 3pm every Saturday. That's too easy for the authorities, however, so they are looking at everything but that.
  17. I'm at the South PoleI'm at the South Pole You're no' You're no'
  18. Real Mallorca by the sound of it.
  19. Page spoiled my 2 - 0 predicition, but I'll settle for that.
  20. The Inland Revenue must be incredibly dense to let all these football clubs fiddle the attendance figures. You think they would have caught on by now.
  21. Or you can be cheap and sign up for a free trial at: http://www.ukproxyserver.co.uk/info/free-trial-request/ It worked pretty well the last time I tried it.
  22. Bloody Hell. I was in a meeting until 3pm (8pm Fir Park time) and come back to see us 2 up. I missed all the excitement.
  23. And even fewer remember a 2% full Hampden in a cup replay against Queen's Park. Fir Park is the only sensible option.
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