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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. You'd have to think there was more to it than form. Hemming seemed decent last season without being stand-out, but Carson looked the better keeper any time I saw him.
  2. If you write greetings cards in 1754, maybe
  3. Agreed. Was happy to see them in today's lineup.
  4. Cheers, I didn't notice I'd posted in the wrong thread.
  5. This would have hit the mark, though - also from the mid-70s http://historicalkits.co.uk/Scottish_Football_League/Motherwell/images/change-kits/motherwell-1973-1975-change.gif (if it showed up properly on my browser anyway) (got it - can keep my web credentials for another day)
  6. A flute band? Now you've all got me at it.
  7. Can watch the game for a tenner on Elgin City TV Get the bacon rolls in.
  8. steal: to take something without the permission or knowledge of the owner and keep it I'm pretty sure the club knowingly gave permission to pay the players they chose to put under contract.
  9. On a separate note, it just dawned on me that it has the look of a South American style kit.
  10. The best way to do that is by not being sectarian. If we can't revive a classic kit design in the 21st century because some small minded bigots can only associate a diagonal stripe with the Orange Order, then we'll never make any progress.
  11. The sash is a classic style from the 70s. I'm fine with that as a lot of my favourite players wore that kit. And I'm quite happy to prevent our sectarian colleagues from hijacking it.
  12. Would have been a winner if it was white - but I know that was unlikely given last year's away.
  13. A player weighing up his options and choosing us doesn't sound that bad to me.
  14. Macron's official men's size guide in inches and centimetres
  15. Hearts is away - which they managed to get right in the original fixtures announcement on the website (I think)
  16. "We've no got any money" has been our transfer strategy for many years. And every season we end up bringing in about a dozen or more new players in the summer and winter windows.
  17. Would be great, but newly promoted teams do have a habit of gutting the squads that got them there and spending their EPL riches on expensive replacements.
  18. Does the CEO sign players now? No wonder we're struggling to replace him.
  19. They've been using that for American Football over here too. ESPN I think for their Monday Night Game.
  20. This is what we're competing against with players like Johnston For all this talk about "protecting our investment" you know his agent was telling him "just wait and I'll guarantee you a big move"
  21. 1) these days Marinello would have gone to the Sporting Chance Clinic, cleaned up his act and stayed with Arsenal (still one of my favourite ever 'Well players, though)
  22. If you take a look at the starting line ups of most teams this weekend and then look at them again in September, they will be barely recognisable. That's what makes the League Cup games (and early Euro games for the chosen few) such a lottery. Far from ideal, but that's what we're stuck with these days.
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