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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. Not working here in the US. EDIT: but now it is
  2. weeyin


    Was it not SCDave who said that, due to the high price, they didn't think they would be able to even sell the minimum number they would have had to order?
  3. Hope they haven't blocked the streaming video sites!
  4. Difficult to say. It varies depending on your connection speed etc. Best idea is to try a few and see what works best for you.
  5. No worries, it's pretty confusing at first. You should also be able to watch at www.atdhe.net
  6. weeyin

    Paul Mcgrillen

    Aye - according to soccerbase, he signed for us on 1-8-1990. Sad loss.
  7. Are you on a Windows PC? If so, anything on the link I posted that says MediaPlayer should work without needing to download anything extra.
  8. A number of links up on myp2p now. Clicky
  9. Looks like there is a link at www.atdhe.net for the game today too. That will likely run without sopcast.
  10. I don't think so, but I'm guessing atdhe and iraqgoals will probably use that site as their feed. So we should be able to pick it up somewhere.
  11. 3 years is what I remember reading, but I don't think that was ever confirmed by the club.
  12. I don't think there will be any problem finding a decent link. The fact that it's being covered live on telly means the usual sources should be streaming.
  13. You can always try downloading and installing Sopcast from here. Once it's installed, you should be able to fire up the sites and be good to go.
  14. You're safe enough if you click on bar to download the active x controls. There will likely be non-sopcast broadcasts on the day too. If I see any on the day, I'll post them up here.
  15. To be honest, I think it's just "Llanelli_Tony" or "Flamurtari" again.
  16. Image Not Found. Well played, sir.
  17. weeyin

    Charter To Romania

    Very true. And if he causes trouble they won't be able to tie his new ticket ticket number to his passport
  18. weeyin

    Charter To Romania

    Or at least have the tickets in hand luggage.
  19. What do you mean? That was a terrific close up of the knot in JG's tie.
  20. Not to start an argument or anything but the quote only says Ruddy *could* start and Coke *may* be on the bench. Not exactly definitive.
  21. 1. 7th2. Quarters 3. Semis 4. If we beat Steaua, we'll have got further than I hoped. If we lose to Steaua, we will have got further than I thought Seriously, my main ambition for next season is for JG to build a squad and a system that will move us forward for 2010/11. Anywhere around mid-table and a wee run in one of the cups will be fine if we get the foundation in place. We should have a much better idea in early October, once we have some SPL games under our belt.
  22. Oh dear, then we are in trouble, because when 50,000 Scottish fans get together we just drink tea and clap politely.
  23. Although our players are young, a number of them have played against teams who attract 40 or 50,000+ to their home games. So that shouldn't be too big a factor. EDIT: beaten to it.
  24. Indeed. It would be ITV Digital all over again. A huge number of Football League clubs went into (or close to) administration when that went bust and some are still struggling to recover.
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