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Everything posted by weeyin

  1. weeyin

    Can We Do It?

    You have to admit, though, that his grasp of the English language has comes on leaps and bounds since he joined.
  2. weeyin

    Can We Do It?

    KTë qiftë arusha qorre!
  3. Don't wear that pink shirt when you're out clubbing in Brighton.
  4. I doubt they'll be selling pies at Fir Park on the 15th.
  5. Not according to JB's last interview. He said there would be no games played on it before the first league game.
  6. A lot of top, unemployed managers apply for jobs like ours when they become vacant. However, their salary demands normally keep them out of the running.
  7. The penalty was only ridiculous if Albania has different rules from the rest of the world. Pulling someone's shirt (while being a very girly thing for a defender to do) is still a foul. We didn't actually complain about the pitch - that was commented on by some reporters. Motherwell suffered from a poor playing surface at home last season, so are quite used to uneven playing surfaces. The style of football we like to play, however, is better played on a flat surface and that will be to our advantage in the second leg. Have you checked on the age of the Motherwell players yet? Or are you hoping that embarrassing comment of yours is forgotten? It sounded like an early excuse in case you lose the second leg. Unfortunately, you will see a lot of teenagers in the Motherwell team, so if you do lose, you will have lost to players who were playing in last year's Under-19 squad.
  8. The Penalty Takers' Dilemma?
  9. So you think no player should take the same penalty again? If that's the case, then the keeper would think the same, right? In which case, taking the same penalty twice might be a good idea? Unless the keeper knows that the penalty taker knows that the keeper knows that. See what a pointless argument that is?
  10. Aye, that's the deal they just set up with Wullie McStay taking charge over there.
  11. Ach well. At least we concentrate on the league now.
  12. Maybe financially, but not so much from an ambition perspective. McMillan's medal collection isn't exactly huge and most of McCulloch's have 'Rangers' engraved on them. Not that I begrudge anyone improving their wage packet. I just tire of sportsmen in general who spout the party line of joining a team that meets their lofty goals.
  13. weeyin

    Can We Do It?

    Nah, you're just a nimron
  14. weeyin

    Can We Do It?

    I didn't see anybody saying they were 100% sure we would go through - whether they are nimrons or not. The question we are replying to is *Can* we go through. And the majority believe that it is possible. As for playing against a bunch of teenagers, you might want to take a look at the ages of the Motherwell players before you make yourself look a wee bit stupid.
  15. One report said 500! I think it was meant to read 1500, but 2000 appears to be closer to the mark.
  16. weeyin

    Can We Do It?

    Are you saying your team has never come from behind? Are you saying that you have never lost to a team who isn't as good as your team? Do you not think a team playing at home normally has an advantage? Why did your team commit more than twice as many fouls as us - was it because they were scared when we had possession? I watched the game today and I thought we played better than your team for 70 out of the 90 minutes. I know when we play next week it won't be 40 degrees, and we will be playing on a nice surface and in front of a noisy crowd. That will be to our advantage. Aren't you being arrogant when you think you have the tie won at half time? If you beat us and qualify for the next round, then congratulations. However, I prefer to see the final result before I start posting insults on other fans' websites.
  17. And I'm saying it wouldn't If you don't go through the full aclimatisation process of about a week you end up just tiring yourself out in the heat, with no recovery time. So an extra day could have been detrimental.
  18. You need more than an extra day to acclimatise.
  19. weeyin

    Can We Do It?

    Could you try putting to bed the theory that you are not a loud mouthed idiot?
  20. weeyin

    Can We Do It?

    We think we'll win the game because we have a better team than you.
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