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Everything posted by Motherwell89

  1. if the season starts how this one ended we could end up with a few players hitting the 20 mark
  2. faddy got 18-19 one season I that I mind, think that was his best!
  3. depending on who we get in the europa qualifiers he could end up with a chance to score a few before the SPL season even starts
  4. Jamie Murphy, Forbes, Saunders and Jamie Pollock to name a few all have potential Id say, all under 21 and if they are forced more and more into the first team they can only get better surely!
  5. http://sport.stv.tv/football/scottish-prem...for-motherwell/ brown will settle fur a runners up medal at-least and
  6. looking at the lists, their is teams in we can beat in each phase maybe just maybe well for group stages
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