rumour is the guy on trial could be Andreas Labropoulos who's not signed with rangers after it emerged they might not be leaving the 3rd tier so soon (twitter)
think under the circumstances it was a very good result, young team out and some really good performances in key areas
this is valuable experience for the young lads and they'll develop much faster I believe with this exposure and it can only be good for us
if we qualified for the CL we could have used the money to strengthen the squad enough to win the treble
we're all dreaming of glory, when it actually happens, a cup win, shock 3-1 win on Thursday the reactions will be amazing
We could go over there and win, it's not impossible. Winning by a few goals however is a real task, we're already chasing the game all they need to do is sit back and hit us on the counter and it's all over. McCall needs a strong game plan and it'll have to be perfect and play to our strengths. St Mirren is pish so lets play the young lads who are on the fringes just now and pump them 6-0!
this is one of scottish football biggest failings imo, other countries have been doing it for so long and their players haven't been getting any better but the value of them has...
Will hutch even play after his red card or will kerr start since he's going to most likely be playing midweek? might be in McCalls thought's if he wants to avoid losing by a hefty number of goals though that said he'll also think hutch to be his strongest available centre back and with the league in mind would play him!
he's left footed and has most games wonders up there anyway. (which btw is half the problem) and since his distribution's better than murphy makes more sense to play him there than a right footed striker
next week i hope to see us line up like this
Murphy McHugh
Hammell Law Lasley Humprey
Angol Cum Kerr Hately
Hammell has played there before and done well, and i think him an angol would link up well from what I've seen of him! and they could swap over and let each other attack/defend
try it out at the weekend mr mcall And Murphy/McHugh since they only ones who have scored this season and I'm sick of higdon and Ojamaa, think Ojamaa would do better coming of the bench with 20 min to go when they're starting to tire and then all his energy might count for something!
says 2000 of us pay a tenner a week, bam we have a player on 20k
i'm in, i was more than that a week betting on motherwell, we sign faddy some of those bets might come up
my guess is the clubs contract wouldn't be acceptable because they would have wanted to tie him down to long or wouldn't agree to a release-clause or something
would play McHugh before Erwin
McFadden would be a great signing and could play in a few positions, going forward him with the likes of ojamaa, murphy, higdon, humprey, mchugh etc could make a very exciting season
Can't wait to see more Angol either