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Taff last won the day on July 10 2011

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About Taff

  • Birthday 09/03/1978

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    Mfc, Lurchers , Books, Cymru.

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  1. True and its a absolute joke . For a meaningless game we should maybe take advantage of this but for a game like today's they should only get the south stand. Once again a important home game will turn into an away game giving rangers a advantage from the start. Have some pride ffs. Maybe some of you natives dont see the big deal with this.Like it or not it makes our club look a fucking joke.
  2. I had what seemed like the whole first team behind me in a cue at the spar on leven street the other week. I was like a fucking star struck school girl. I never said a word but let them all go in-front of me. Alot of the players stop off there on their way to fir park etc. Who drives that big bmw with mfc number plates?. I see it about but never get a good look at who drives the thing. Iv seen it at fir park aswell like.
  3. Are there any videos of the shed atmosphere from the old says?
  4. Taff

    Bring Back Sutton!

    i always though he was shit. one of the most over rated players iv seen. He just couldn't be bothered and looked like he couldn't give a fuck about the well. overrated, no heart, clumsy and a prick, naa your alright.
  5. Taff


    I know its celtic and we all must hate them but im afraid what your saying there is untrue. Its so untrue that im sure you just made it up.
  6. dont like him, I dont even know why like.
  7. get in tae the fuckers. don't give them a second on the ball.
  8. Born at panteg maternity in pontypool, Lived in a tiny wee village in south wales called trinant, Moved to motherwell then swiftly back to trinant, spent a while there then moved to aberbargoed, I started getting interested in football and to the shock of my school mates I choose to support Motherwell, a team none of them had ever heard of I went through junior school as the only well fan in the village . Id have a kit sent to me every year and would always ware it under my uniform, Then in brakes I would rip my uniform off and play football in my well strip. I got to comprehensive school and discovered i was no longer the only well fan in the village Our maths teacher mr bell was from Motherwell. Anyway i left school and moved back to trinant, Work then took me to london colony on the outskirts of london, Spent a few years there and then moved to llandudno junction in north Wales. The beauty of north Wales i still crave for. I then moved 40 odd miles down the road to treaddar bay on the isle of Anglesey. By now I met my ex while up to see the well and she moved to Wales but was getting a bit homesick so we moved back down to trinant . Anyway after a while she was still homesick so we moved to the glorious town of motherwell. That was 8 years ago and although with a different lass im still here. I love central Scotland and especially this town. Its grown on me through the years, its people, its weather, its chippys. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else
  9. http://motherwellfc.iristickets.co.uk/step_1/234/#234
  10. If the side of the stand was painted claret it would stand out and look great at night. That's my opinion anyway. Or even better take it all off and fill the side of the stand with a mural .
  11. Great move by the club in my opinion. If they advertise this well there should be a good crowd at this game. Lets see claret and amber at the busy shopping areas of Lanarkshire handing out flyers for this one.
  12. I agree with you mate. Every time we play either of the old firm we all moan abut the players not putting enough effort in. Well a full east stand and a full copper at full voice will surly encourage them to get in tae these bastard and get them rattled. (In a ideal world eh)
  13. For some reason we do have a lot of very negative fans (There's a thread on pie and bovril that proves that) There needs to be a buzz amongst our support for the gates to increase. Negative attitudes like that will only help dampen the spirits of the most optimistic of the motherwell support. It does my head in that they need to be so negative when we are doing so well. We need to make the most of times when we are doing well and enjoy it. Some of us seem to be in a constant state of depression. Its as if years of following motherwell has left there brains incapable to create a positive feeling towards the club
  14. I'm one of those who don't usually attend old firm games at fir park. I will be at this one though without a doubt singing at the top of my voice. Lets out sing this filth Sunday. Lets show celtic how much we hate them and give them hell at every opportunity. Never under-estimate the effect we as fans can have on visiting teams. If we do our part and get right behind the team we are half way there.
  15. These things would sell out alot quicker if you actually told people about it instead of just relying on the Internet and existing fans. Things like this could give non motherwell supporting kids an interest in the club. Your way to quiet in the community for my liking and should be more in the faces of the people in this old firm dominated town. Celtic and rangers dominate this town with motherwell cowering away in the corner. Get out there and stop relying on existing supporters and the internet.
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