18 is too many 16 at a push, even then there would be some truly awful excuses of football games, even worse than we get put through at the moment. I'm actually a fan of the current split as it brings a bit of excitement into a pretty dreary season.
With less money going around due to the loss of TV money the quality of players on the park will inevitably be even worse than it is currently. People will moan and not go to the games and off we go.
I get where fatcalf is coming from but it's way too simplistic, you will never get the old firm to agree to sharing the gate money, like it or not we rely on them but they also rely on us but to a lesser extent.
Hopefully the SPL 10 could be the first step in a longer term plan who knows.
Also a fair bit more money flying about in Norway that there is in Scotland, and as others have said no manky bastards to monopolise the show.
Oh and P.S. cheers DosserJoe for the info.