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Everything posted by Clackscat

  1. Agreed, btw did you mean £350K bid from Rangers?
  2. I agree I thought he did sound a bit weary, in fact the whole build up has been a bit low key, lets hope its part of a cunning plan! Regarding funds its quite simple, no one has come in for Reynolds so no money unless we get through on Thursday.
  3. If it is Arrache he looks like he has had more clubs than Jim Hamilton, albeit at a much higher level!!
  4. I BELIEVE YOU CAN'T NOW ORDER ON LINE, GOT MINE MAST WEEK AND POSTED OUT NEXT DAY, BUT NOT AVAILABLE TO ORDER ON WEB SITE TODAY. I got them on line for last game and opted to pick up from office but there was a hell of a job finding my tickets so perhaps thats why they are not doing online so close to the game.
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