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Pushing for the First XI

Pushing for the First XI (5/10)



  1. So who won it or what was the winning number it would be fair to know. I don't use twitter.
  2. Jon left the club sad to here he has gone as I thought he was as good a defender as we have better than some who play in the team. Good luck to him hope he does well and gets a contract with another team.
  3. Celtic struggle when teams attack them because they are used to dominating games get wright into them hate them. They think they have the wright to win every game. We are they best supporters in the world get into them 2-1 to us.
  4. We had a great night. I would like to thank everyone for their support.I would also like to thank Stuart McCall Kenny Black and Gordon Marshall for also coming along, that was a pleasent surprise. All three were very sociable, spent time chatting and getting photos taken, much appreciated.
  5. Stuart McCall will be coming to the pub tonight at 6.30pm after the game bring your camera if you want a photo the quiz will start after Stuart is finished speaking.
  6. It is in aid of the Waverley Bar Motherwell Supporters Club funds we run a bus from the Waverley bar to all the home games. We were in Tam Parks before that and have been in the Waverley Bar For 3 seasons now and we are made welcome in the pub. Yes there is Rangers supporters goes into the pub and we have good banter with them. I think the West End punters moved up the street somewhere. At the last cup final Motherwell were in we run 2 buses from the pub at least 100 Motherwell supporters left from there and the pub had Motherwell banners and flags up. After the game the pub was full of Motherwell supports and we had a good party after the game. Eddie Catflap you said you were in the pub on Saturday watching the game If you are a Motherwell supporter why did you not go to the game you can come on our bus if you like. I take it you drink in the pub if so you should know there is a Waverley bar Motherwell supporters club in there we have the t-shirts to prove it. I can post image of t-shirt if somebody tells me how to do it.
  7. Quiz night and Prize draw in the Waverley Bar starting 6.30 pm Saturday 8th December after the Ross County game. Stuart McCall will be in attendance 4 man teams entry £4 per team.If you require any more in formation or intend bringing a team please let me know.
  8. Frazzle if you book breakfast online you get £1 off
  9. Travel lodge in Justice Mill Lane just looked at it and it is £74 I booked it at least a week ago got it for £58.25 bed and breakfast for me and the wife. Must be like booking a flight when they see its busy they put the price up.
  10. Me and mate plus the wives are going we are over 60 booked the city gold bus using bus pass 50p each to book seats including return. Staying in Travel Lodge overnight £58.25p a couple for bed and breakfast women going shopping we will be at the game £10 to get in cheep weekend you can't beat that everybody happy.
  11. thanks for that andy i understand it all now cheers
  12. sorry guys i dont know how to work the board in my last reply i was trying to quote what i said but did not work sorry maybe somebody can help me out
  13. if you look back the pages i said they had one vote but told not in this case
  14. sorry guys have been away for an overnight i joined the society and got a reply from andy_p asnd he stated on his reply that the society has 1 vote as i thought that being the case the majority of directors can out vote the society
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