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Everything posted by Jimmo

  1. Sounds like the kind of midfielder we need.
  2. May be a bit of Risky Business but this Cruise guy may be on McCalls radar. Whatever happens I trust SMC will make All The Right Moves and achieve Mission Impossible by making a side good enough to compete for 3rd place in the SPL next season, we definately can play by Far and Away the best football in Scotland on our day.
  3. Would love to see the template that Burnley have got for next season in our colours with a claret hoop.
  4. English and Scottish lower leagues will be our main markets.
  5. Jimmo

    Celtic (Scf)

    Just managed to bring myself to watch the highlights. Voted for Hutch although I think he may have just looked good playing beside Craigan who had a terrible day and looked well out of his depth.
  6. John Boyle has hired out the whole of Merylee Bar and Kitchen just off Cathcart Road on Saturday between 11 and 2.
  7. I've got about 20 people coming to my flat in the morning for a cargo then we will head up to Church on the Hill bout 1ish. Think it will be jumping up there, I've heard its well fans only on saturday. I think the police will be parking unofficial buses on Langside Road which is just behind the vicky and beside the COTH, could be a good place to commence a mass march to the stadium???
  8. Jimmo

    Cup Final Tickets

    Just to Update: I have my ticket and got a call earlier to say my ballot had been successful. Got a ticket each for my cousin and his boy (who are both proper well fans) but there are no juvenille tickets beside other spare seats available so had to get two adult tickets for section B6. All the best to anybody who is still waiting.
  9. Aye mate, just get off onto battlefield road then its a stright walk up by the Vicky to the top of the hill. I take it if you've booked you will be eating, the scran in there is usually pretty good and reasonably priced.
  10. That's quality! Great effort, well done.
  11. In my opinion Sutton will be away in the summer, if he was going to accept our contract offer he would have done so by now. As far as a partner for Ports(should he come back, as unlikley as it is), don't you think him and Murphy would be good together??
  12. Totally agree with that. The 125th anniversary is the whole point of this top but it doesn't appear to be very visible. Hopefully puma come up with a nice top for next season....
  13. I think thats more appropriate to Motherwell fc and it's fans than any of the above suggestions, at least it has some sort of relevance.
  14. Very dissapointed by this news. By all means the proposals for the retro style anniversary top sound great but after all the chat of petrol blue and blue and white stripes etc. I am left feeling pretty miffed and feel the club have missed a major opportunity to really mark this 125th anniversary. Something like what aresnal and coventry have produced for whatever anniversary they have is more what I and probably most fans expected. Nothing against underboyleheating's badge design, i like it but would have liked it on at least one 'playing' strip for next season and not just another retro style piece of merchandise.
  15. Jimmo

    Cup Final Tickets

    http://www.hampdenpark.co.uk/go/attending-hampden/stadium-plan Back row of section B is row FFF.
  16. Anybody got the facilities to scan the flyer in and post it? In work and chokin to see it.
  17. Jimmo

    Cup Final Tickets

    Just heard that from Sammy. Row EEE is the back row which suits me fine, good view and easy access to the bogs after a heavy cargo at mine!! 2 weeks on Saturday can't come soon enough.
  18. Jimmo

    Ins & Outs

    He was in the same hotel as me in Mexico 2 years ago and he was one of the biggest c**ts Ive ever had the displeasure of meeting and his maws a mattress. On a footballing note I think he is a first/lower spl standard player at best.
  19. Jimmo

    Cup Final Tickets

    I can understand your urgency but camping out is maybe a bit far. I'll be up early to join the que.
  20. Jimmo

    Cup Final Tickets

    Sorry if this has already been asked but is the ticket office definately open on Monday?
  21. Not so sure, Clockwork and COTH are on the 'Motherwell' side of hampden. Keep in mind that there will also be 16,000 odd well fans about the area too so we will not be as out numbered as usual.
  22. Who know's when the season ticket renewal leaflets are being sent out? Puma tops I've seen so far for next year haven't been too exciting, so far my favourites have been the new lyon and bayern, both made by adidas.
  23. Expecting around 15 well fans at my flat in battlefield at 11am on Saturday the 21st for rolls n sausage and a cargo. Hopefully unlike our last 2 semi's at Hampden, there wont be any whiteys before the game. Tickets priced at a fiver.......
  24. I'm sure I seen big Sieb Dyksta in a porno the other night.
  25. Jimmo

    Ins & Outs

    Sorry to say but I think it's time for Craigan to follow the yellow brick road..... An excellent servant to the club but I feel his sell by date is near. Probably get more money there aswell.
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