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fatcalf last won the day on October 22 2013

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  1. fatcalf


    Howdo everyone. Long time since I was here, apologies for that, or maybe you prefer it that way Anyways I got roped into helping Psycho move on some of his T-shirts from his recent visit. An absolute balls up meant they were delivered to Cardiff apparently so I've stuck them on my Big Cartel page to see if anyone wants one. http://dosserdom.bigcartel.com/product/psycho-motherwell-til-i-die-t-shirt Sizes from Med through to XXL available for a tenner, I can try sort out locals to save postage, best contact me through the website as I'm rarely on here if any questions raised. Cheers Mj
  2. 100 completely sold out, thanks again folks for your support.
  3. Ballso, I got your text, copy here for you, David one for you also but that's about it.
  4. Thanks to everyone who purchased last night and indeed all those who have supported OSB through the years. Not to mention Flow for arranging my wee bit in the programme. Last night was a pleasure, many positive comments, handshakes, even photie and autograph requests I appreciate the good wishes folks, I really do, it's been a big part of my life all this time and the interaction whilst selling is probably the biggest thing I'll miss. Meantime I have very few left for sale so the linky thing will have to come down. Anyone still after a copy best email me at editor@dosserdom.com First come first served I'm afraid. AllyMax is first obviously, send me a PM mate to sort it. Once again I thank you, it's been a blast, Mj
  5. Baistard, that's that plan scuppered
  6. Aye we're cashing in, £2, cheap at half the price. By the way seller shortage taken care of, cheers.
  7. Another plea for sellers for tomorrow night, short of a body to do the East Stand for an hour before kick off, appreciate any help folks.
  8. Well the last ever issue of One Step Beyond hits the streets almost 20 years to the day since the first one made it's appearance. A lot has changed but as the saying goes, a lot has stayed the same. We're still complaining about referees, the people running the game, the authorities charged with watching over us, the quandaries of where we might end up in Europe. Actually that one was a whole new ball game for us back in 1994. We'd only once qualified for Europe, when we won the cup in 1991. The game we first came on sale at was the very game we clinched that Euro slot through our league position. Now we celebrate a similar scenario hopefully, we all hope that's not an omen signifying the end of our Euro adventures. Most fans have become used to them it has to be said and that probably says more about our fortunes these last few years than anything. The term 'punching above our weight' infuriates many but I love using it to annoy those who do but mainly cos it's bang on. It describes our fortunes perfectly as, put into context, finishing best of the rest for a club our size is as close as we'll ever get to the big prize and we have no right to expect the levels of consistency we have become so accustomed to that many take it for granted. I never have and never will expect anything more than an honest bunch of pros giving their all for my club, and I count the points tally as it rises towards safety levels every season. Old habits die hard I know but my formative years were spent in the 1st Div losing to teams like Stirling Albion, Berwick Rangers & Arbroath to name a few, and there were more than a few. But I digress, as you probably know I do all the time. I've had my time and enjoyed it tremendously, I've come to know many Well fans I might not have met otherwise, I'm going to miss the banter when I'm selling for sure but it's that time. Time for me to reflect on the achievements, of which there have been plenty, and feel a sense of pride that I in a position to make a lot of people happy, or to do my bit for our fan base. We are a small community and I did my best not to fall out with anyone within it as there's a very good chance you'll end up sitting next to them at the next game. I didn't always manage that but such is life. I do hope people enjoyed my efforts over the years more than I gave them cause for dismay, it's certainly too late to do anything about it otherwise. As for you, the people who bought it, my sincere thanks for supporting OSB all this time and my appreciation for all the positive comments since this decision was announced. It only remains to invite you all to the big Subbuteo Party on Saturday 21st June in the Centenary Suite at Fir Park, kick off 2pm. Let's end OSB with a big yeehaa, putting a smile on faces was after all one of our main aims when we started out. I like to think we succeeded as well as make an impact to the lot of Well fans. Thank you again, and tatty bye Matt J. P.S. Pre-orders are still being taken at our Big Cartel page if you can't make it to the game or just want a copy sent to your door. http://dosserdom.big...step-beyond-100 And just to claim another first in our last issue, what other fanzine has a Chief Exec. General Manager submitting an article I wonder?
  9. Who knows mate, doubt I'd have time to commit to it but maybe a few could get together to sort something. Reckon I've served my time now, time for others to take up the baton. Speaking of which, pre-orders are now being taken for the last issue due at the ICT game as I said. There's a bank holiday just before it so I might get them sent out before it so it arrives before the game but it will be tight. More a tool to make sure of your copy than have it prior to release this time. Link is here ; http://dosserdom.bigcartel.com/product/one-step-beyond-100
  10. It's getting near that time folks, the last ever issue of OSB is planned for the ICT game on 7th May. We have a deadline of next Wednesday 23rd April for submissions and want to invite anyone with memories of the zine or activities related to it in the 20 yrs since the first one hit the streets. All welcome but try to limit to 1 page, 2 at most. Cheers folks, email it to editor@dosserdom.com and remember to include a name you want it credited to, could be a username or your own name. Cheers and thanks for your support over the last 2 decades, I'll say my final thank you's in the zine. Mj
  11. Ye can tell it's time to go when your post advertising the next issue receives no views and no replies in 2 full days eh?
  12. Pretty much aye, should have put that in the sub heading really
  13. Folks that like my fanzine One Step Beyond. Mr Yir has landed himself a job 'up by' standing in for the legend that is the White Pele in the hospitality on matchdays so am looking for someone to help sell OSB outside the East Stand tomorrow between 2-3pm. Anyone wiling to give up an hour in the pub?
  14. Issue 99 of the finest bog read known to Motherwell fans will be on sale at various locations outside the ground before Saturdays game against Hearts. This is the penultimate offering from the best fanzine named after a Madness song....ever!!! After Saturday I will be inviting contributions from anyone with a particular memory of OSB for inclusion in the Final Edition at the end of the season, rather than the usual almost topical nonsense we tend to produce.You will mostly know the format by now, Editor says his piece followed by a photo to ridicule someone known to the inner circle. Some made up tosh with an explanation of obscure terms immediately after, a bit of a moan n groan broken up by some cartoons or vintage adverts from old Shoot! magazines as if highlighting the differences between then and now really matters. A bit of insight from an exile, some more space fillers ending with a regular dose of pessimism. But all in a nice way.Get your copy from outside the Fir Park Club, Cooper gates or East Stand turnstiles between 2-3pm and as a wee reward we'll give you details of the celebration in June to mark the 20 year existence of The No' Too Bad Fanzine One Step Beyond Cheery the noo Mj Online orders can now be taken at http://dosserdom.big...-step-beyond-99
  15. Issue 99 of the finest bog read known to Well fans, is due out at the Hearts game on March 1st. Contributions welcome but need to be with us by this Sunday 16th Feb. Cheers Mj
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