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Everything posted by fatcalf

  1. It's youse dinosaurs that still drink pints that cause all the hold-ups anyroads. Anyway great idea as long as there's plenty Becks.
  2. fatcalf

    Slane & O'brien

    It is totally his fault which is why the Bosman ruling is so called. He done it, he did. The furren fucker.
  3. Change of plan so I hear due to a double booking. If I hear anything else I'll post it cos I'm sure a few will want to do their bit for him.
  4. fatcalf

    Slane & O'brien

    It's not them who really benefit though is it? The big time charlies can rip the pish out clubs whilst the wee guy still gets it ripped oot him. Principle might be sound but in reality is all wrong.
  5. fatcalf


    Mebbes no' that unheard of then.
  6. fatcalf

    Slane & O'brien

    On the wages they'd be on I'd quite happily take the reduction cos it'll still be way above what I'm earning. No sympathy here for overpaid wasters
  7. fatcalf


    Group next to me has won it last two home games before Saturday, two in a row between them??? Unheard of!!!
  8. Talking of which, a race night for his testimonial season has been advertised last couple of weeks. Haven't seen it mentioned on here yet unless I've missed it. Chance for us plebs to show our appreciation wthout paying silly money for a fancy dinner. Would imagine a good few would want to attend that no?
  9. Thought O'Brien's foul leading to the third goal was stupid, Murray was always running that ball out and no need to dive in like that. Not the first time this season he's done similar but maybe he was frustrated at how things were going for him. Needs to learn from these things though. Agreed they had more experience in crucial areas which proved the difference in the end, but we'll have more good days that bad with this squad I'm sure. Like I said before though, SPL managers are quick to find ways to combat threats, Jimbob has more work to do to counter that.
  10. Know exactly what you're saying mate but to be honest I'm past getting greedy, just thankful that Jimbob has achieved what he has thus far. Not oout of the woods though cos SPL teams traditionally aren't slow in recognising positive attributes and finding ways to nullify threats but for now have to say I'm more than satisified with how things are going. Che sera sera and all that.
  11. From where we were a few weeks ago I can live with that. Can't get it all right at the same time but Jimbob has got a very decent proportion of it to my satisfaction at least.
  12. He tried to catch it, that's why it hit his hand.
  13. Your fault we lost today Yogi would never have noticed that if you hadn't posted that.
  14. Did we no' say the same about Slane?
  15. The guy who was getting Paedo chants aimed at him told me it was none of my business when I pointed out we hardly have any fans to start wi' and he was making things worse. Got news for him though, it is my business, it's all our business to be honest. When he grows a set big enough to go into the South Stand at an Old Firm game and start sitting them down then he can run about like a raging bull laying down the law to the 20 or so youngsters who want to try to create a bit of atmosphere at a midweek League Cup tie. Until then he's discriminating against our own supporters in our stadium and there's plenty more folk around willing to stand up and be counted if he keeps Tuesday's performance up. Ended up with much of the second section standing later on, directly attributable to his antics but we've seen his like off before and no doubt will again. Time for some more civil disobedience I'd say. Let him off now and Fir Park will be even more deathly silent than normal.
  16. Sumbdy with a Cyprus connection? Do Cypriots hate Arabs?
  17. Airdire without a doubt, one look at the two mobs going at it hammer and tongs down their town centre a couple of years ago tells it's own story.
  18. Very welcome I reckon mate, cheers. Seeing as last friendly was up here I reckon we're due a return this summer
  19. Aye but I bought an early version, used to be not normally out til Thursday so in effect they were right.
  20. fatcalf


    Is that a Whoosh! moment I see before me? Dave, care to clarify?
  21. Motherwell Times reports he's back training.
  22. Don't forget some of them are actually feart tae try and lift an Old Firm fan cos of the numbers. Play safe and target the provincials, that's their policy.
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