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Everything posted by fatcalf

  1. Some of them may indeed have sold out but when I was going in young lad asked if I wanted one, he still looked to have a few in his box. Could just have been down to his selling spot, maybe he was at the away end which is why he was walking round at that time. OH and by the way, nice to see some familiar (and happy to be there) faces doing the selling
  2. Only available from Bandoni's in New Stevenston and North Motherwell Post Office but could contact Colin this week and see if he's up for leaving some there given our problems with sellers. Self sufficient? Having a laugh, it's a hobby, maybe break even or see the odd profit on a good sales day but makes a loss year on year. People spend money on their hobby though. No feedback means its a good read, only feedback on here generally is for contentious issues but I do get plenty plaudits on the day from folk buying them so I know the appreciation is there, that's enough for me. Funny thing was yesterday everyone telling me I've kept the price at a quid for too long, guaranteed I'd notice sales slump if I raised it I'm sure Dunno about Chris, although I expect it's the same for him and GLF, but it's a labour of love, I get my benefits in other ways and I get to meet hunners of top folks.
  3. Am no' telling yeese where I park but it's great
  4. With the sellers being recruited from our fan base comes the old problem of them leaving their posts at 2.50pm in order to get in to see kick off. Loads of folk looking for them in that last 10 minutes where I was selling OSB, although one lad was still on the streets when I was going in at 3.10pm, fair play to him.
  5. He only passed it once he'd run half the length of the pitch.
  6. Who's slanging? Simple discussion about acceptable derogatory names for ra Shellic with no-one resorting to insults (apart fae those aimed at the Mhankies of course). Threads go way off topic before reverting back to type all the time.
  7. Well that's just the way it was intended, ignorant or not. Sorted by PM, original poster knows how I use the term, I know how he interpreted it and that wasn't my intention so there's no issue. For your information it is a term i use and have done for years aimed at Shellic fans and will continue to use it, suppose calling a Republican sympathiser a f****n is out of the question then?
  8. fatcalf

    Just Leaving

    Maybe boycotted by a certain generation, in my time it was an aspiration to rise from the terraces to a comfy seat up there, a sign of affluence perhaps. Or maybe just a sign of getting auld that ye had tae sit doon
  9. I would have got there cos I saw Gannon line them up in training yesterday, but that wid have been cheating so I didnae post it. Anyways Hammell n Reynolds werenae training and Slane wis in wi' Hateley at left back in the practice session so you probably got as close as I would have. Have to say from what I saw yesterday Gannon's practice session paid dividends cos he had them defending set pieces with balls flying in from all areas of the pitch. Obviously designed to elminate their ariel threat and worked a treat cos Killie had fuck all else to offer.
  10. I'd go wi' that Too Much Too Young might no' really be appropriate though. Dawning of a New Era wid, Blank Expression for Jim Jeffries today
  11. Mate told me an old Ska classic, Liquidator, was played before the game, pity i missed that. Good old Skanking soundtrack, cannae beat it.
  12. Was that not the join between pitch and astro? I saw a Killie player stamping a bit down over the Main Stand side at a throw in.
  13. We could but we'd waste a whole night doing it. Shower of shite should just about cover it. Move on
  14. No, what we have in our support are supporters of a football club whatever religion they follow. Theirs is an entirely different entity, fully deserving of any derogatory remark you can think of, same with the h**s, reading too much into it IMO
  15. It's a derogatory term for Shellic fans what d'you think it means? we not allowed to call them names now?
  16. Just what I was going to say, tannoy certainly hasn't been upgraded in the East
  17. From Motherwell itself I said, can't speak for the towns and villages round about but from here there is one bus for Rattlers and half a bus for the Vile h*n, that's something of a result compared to years gone by.
  18. Hate to burst the popular myth but there really aren't that many who leave our town to go to OF games anymore. Certainly not like years ago when there were buses full of 'em. Sad thing is their support remains strong but the fuckers never go to games, they just parade about town as if they are something, the fuckin' toerags.
  19. I mean we'd be bringing it on ourselves so aye suppose, especially since some of ours have beein singing similar songs.
  20. And making it public on t'internet means it won't be long before someone makes the connection
  21. See if we tellt him how the stewards are preventing the fans from supporting the team d'ye 'hink he'll fix it?
  22. Now you see why late goals agin your mob are remembered so well. Especially Craigan's shy that arse Combe made a rip roaring c**t of then tried to blame everybody else
  23. Without reading back I can only say I thought it was to publicise the launch of a Matt Busby initiative to help local kids as in Lanarkshire kids. Now being Lanarkshire's premier team it's fairly obvious we'd be chosen to face the only team Sir Matt is connected with. It's not a friendly between Man U and Motherwell as such, more to highlight the initiative unless I'm mistaken. Could win us some fans among those Utd fans who travel, and there will be some along with those already brainwashed up here.
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