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Everything posted by fatcalf

  1. fatcalf


    Who needs female sizing, buy a size smaller. Hey presto
  2. Still too many folk blindly defending him even after all that was said about him proved to be true, i.e. fat, useless, waste of money. His off-field antics mattered not a jot although some have used it as an excuse. Beggars belief that his cult status was actually genuine it seems, I thought it was a piss-take to annoy those who opposed his signing. Well rid, both in playing and financial terms.
  3. fatcalf


    Looks very much like it to me, a template provides the starting point and that Pompey top is the basis for ours. Still as said before I like it and I'm glad I don't support PNE who got Pompey's template from the previous season for their new kit. At least we're only one season behind.
  4. fatcalf


    He's right though, it's a Pompey template, far better looking in C&A mind you
  5. I'm not going to do anything, you've said exactly what I believe should have happened from the start so anyone who finds themselves in trouble through a shortfall in TV money needs their arses booted right out the door for their mismanagement. Hopefully Sky ain't far behind with money troubles cos them fuckers have played a huge part in the destruction of fitba' as we know it.
  6. fatcalf


    I wouldn't wear the Zoom kit if ye paid me
  7. Hell mend anyone who counts on TV money as part of their budget, it should have been treated as a bonus from the start, instead it's handed out to greedy players and agents. Nae sympathy and that includes ourselves.
  8. fatcalf


    S'a'right that eh no? Pity about amber shorts again but the top looks the danglies
  9. Still don't get this 'best passer' bit, evidence suggests otherwise but thankfully he's off, a year too late for our finances but gone now. Funniest bit is this topic headline was directly above the one saying "Fernando Torres" when I clicked on 'view new posts', from the sublime to the ridiculous, the true essence of WTFC
  10. After Accies Montrose would be my next choice, one of the 5 grounds I've still to see Motherwell play at.
  11. I don't particularly think he will either but if he wants to then he can go with our best wishes for rescuing a team that was going down and turning them into one challenging at the right end of the league. But if he stays he better get us back intae yon top 6 else he's getting it
  12. fatcalf


    But then we'd all need to sit down else the moaners would complain they couldnae see the half time scores
  13. Personally I thought the atmosphere that day was rotten, maybe I'm comparing it to old Broomfield too much but for a big derby game it was way too quiet. Maybe the fans were too far away from each other right enough but I felt there was no sense of the big occasion and was really disappointed that we didn't seem to treat it as anything special.
  14. Got to be Accies, further away it goes the lower the crowd will be.
  15. But if the games weren't on I wouldn't have gone there with some like minded souls, true the fitba' gets in the way of a good day out sometimes but that's the main reason for going to these places. God knows if I only went to games for the actual fitba' I'd have chucked it before I was old enough to drink
  16. Ashington & Durham were anything but waste of money
  17. Bombed, figure of speech, of course it was a reasonable season in the bigger picture but compared to last season his stock has inevitably hit a low We're in agreement about this, you just don't know it
  18. If we'd had a better season Noah might have been up there as first choice for both those jobs, fact is we bombed and his reputation might have suffered accordingly. If that's the case it will all have been worth it.
  19. fatcalf


    Is that Noah wi' the tin hat oan?
  20. Aye well if we had a proper smiley for it
  21. Did you actually hear that somewhere likes?
  22. I could handle that but the first week isnae even half done that's whit annoys me
  23. fatcalf

    Dougie Returns!

    I wonder if he can spell on mind you
  24. I got Nancy sorted in a day, it was the ticket fiasco that held everything up. Anyway, the Walk o'er by is the Monday, always moves back a day when the 12th falls on a Sunday
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