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Everything posted by fatcalf

  1. Thank fuck, thought you were going to say Kids tickets stop at 14 just as oor Amber gets to 15
  2. fatcalf

    Get A Grip

    Don't recall Kidd ever getting his just desserts against us like that, that would be funny though. He should have been shown a yellow in the tunnel to save the ref time later that yin.
  3. fatcalf

    Get A Grip

    Who mentioned 86, I was on about Marc Fitzpatrick
  4. fatcalf

    Get A Grip

    Naw he didnae they were all miles offside I remember them. Anyway he should be chuffed, we still go on about Donald Ford scoring in injury time to deprive us of the Texaco Cup in the early 70s. Edit aye it wis Ford, stoppage time in the 2nd leg of the semi-final, wee Robbo wid know al about that kind of heartbreak right enough
  5. fatcalf

    Get A Grip

    Noo we're getting somewhere. Ask him how many of his record amount of goals against us tally were jammy then?
  6. That's that one right oot the windae then?
  7. fatcalf

    Get A Grip

    Aw that John Robertson, I thought you meant the chain smoking good player one that played wi' Forest. He's a wee wank, widnae trust anything he says if he's still claiming he didnae handle that handball goal.
  8. Resolved the issue maybe? apparently only one per household being sent out and my nephews name is first on the list for our house. Saves postage fair do's, one post could have cleared it up though, communication people, communication.
  9. Massive improvement on previous efforts, congrats due, now reduce the price and I might consider restarting my collection
  10. You know that thought did cross my mind but what have my kids done wrong? Anyway as before, my nephew got his letter in after we left on Saturday, he's been a season ticket holder for a year and a half so his details obviously haven't been lost somewhere along the way. If 3 of ours details have gone missing how many more?
  11. I'm still waiting on my renewal letter from last summer, what chance now?
  12. 2 home games and one of those on a Wednesday? FFS, thank fuck I hadn't planned on a final OSB after the split.
  13. Could this be the shortest motm thread ever?
  14. For my part I felt he got it wrong as soon as I saw the team line-up. Finding a place for Quinn when he didn't want to leave out McLean was wrong, it's obvious he rates his defenders so highly that he doesn't want to leave any out but that's a pre-requisite for his position, you have to make decisions to leave players out. Changing the team around to accomodate ones you like brings it's own problems and we suffered yesterday from those changes I felt. But St Mirren, if nothing else, are good at stopping teams from playing and they've done us again, maybe if we'd gone back to our plan A we could have overpowered them but plans b, c, d etc have let us down badly. Still he's got more right than wrong in his time, just wish he wouldn't mess about with the formation in the biggest games
  15. T'was the only entertainment on offer for some mind. I liked the guy with his sticker on his heid covering his eyes best.
  16. Nope, nothing happened today that I haven't already seen so no reason to change my mind about next season, next few weeks wages already being raided to take advantage of the early bird offer though cos without that discount it's a price hike for me compared to last year.
  17. Yep scudding Livi 6-2 was definitely one of the worst games witnessed at The Ark. NOT!
  18. You could certainly see how many season ticket holders were absent today
  19. All the split does is bring a premature end to some clubs seasons. It's unfair end of and should be binned in favour of a bigger league to spread the money out more which of course won't happen cos the Self Preservation League is the most apt title I've ever heard for a part of Scottish Fitba' All this qualification palaver should be at the end of the season when prizes are meant to be given out.
  20. I share their confidence but It's not important what you or I think though, their confidence is all that matters going into the game. That's good, just hope it's not misplaced and they come through for us.
  21. I'll just go watch the guys who are here if any of those leave, certainly not going to watch them at their new clubs. Players come, players go, makes no odds to me really. Kids made me realise I can't give up, probably ever, and a big part of it is I look forward to catching up with fellow fans who I don't see one week to the next so the matter of who's in the team is immaterial really cos those friends I've made are more to do with the attraction of being a Well fan, that sense of belonging I suppose. Pish fitba', guid fitba', makes no difference, it's oor fitba' and that's what counts. I still enjoy a wee blether wi' folks I couldnae get anywhere else of a Seterday.
  22. Do what Killie do and designate the Cooper a Family Stand thereby charging them less than the opposite stand. Simples, as Jaun's avatar suggests
  23. Do yeese no' talk in the hoose likes?
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