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Everything posted by fatcalf

  1. Aye but he's shite though eh? Mon the Higgy
  2. All this only becomes relevant if they liquidate, if our club vote them back in then to be honest they can't complain about lack of home fans ever again cos they'll have pissed of a lot of diehards. Lack of revenue will come whatever happens cos if Newco are voted in we'll lose money from agnry Well fans, if not we'll lose money from h**s, best take the right option and vote them out if it comes to it, hopefully it won't though.
  3. Not another former Well connection surely
  4. Ma heids hurting already. Am going back to my original plan and waiting til the draw to see who we get, assuming we qualify of course
  5. But who replaces them?Must be someone
  6. Too fuckin right, we don't need to spend massive amounts on players to get success. We're Motherwell after all.
  7. Anyone when the draw would be? Think it's been mentioned already so apologies for that in advance
  8. That wis more to do with me telling him that Kenny Veg walked into the Civic Barbers this morning and asked for a Henrik Ojamaa haircut, which he duly got. Without the Barber even knowing what it looked like I might add, but he did a fine job. He says not to go asking for it though cos it took him half a fucking hour as opposed to five minutes for my Number 1 all over.
  9. Obviously I'm hoping Hearts see this as an opportunity to force their way back into the euro reckoning rather than putting all their eggs in the Cup FInal basket. Up to us though, if we take care of our own business Utd won't catch us.
  10. Fantastic response that, congrats to all and enjoy yur day, it'll be absolutely brilliant I'm sure.
  11. Celebrate with a star performance on Saturday me hopes.
  12. If we get Champions League McCall should win it hands down.
  13. Personally I know a handful, you not got many pals?
  14. Intended as a politicial statement of course.
  15. No they don't, very few actually go to games from Motherwell now. They all sit in the pub watching it on telly, lucky if there's a mini bus full leaves our town for each of them these days.
  16. I was one who shouted for Tommy McLean to go back in the late 80s, how wrong was I? Man led us to our greatest day in my lifetime a few years later. Kind of learned my lesson back then, defended him to hilt when everyone turned on him during the bleak couple of season following our Cup win and in fact one of the reasons we started OSB was to answer his critics after a full season in the top 4 1993-94. Yes we even had moaners after a season like that which many look back on now as one of our finest. Shaped the way I view my club, others haven't had that kind of experience yet. Then again some have and still spout shite but I'm sure you're right, this season will be remembered fondly when we look back.
  17. Aye I've fairly enjoyed how shite we've been this last 5 or 6 seasons. Much preferable to the shite of the 80s, but nowhere near as enjoyable as the rubbish we had to watch in the mid-90s, that wis really good
  18. Considering the budget we're working on I'd say top 6 is an achievement, anything above that deserves even more recognition for a job well fucking done.
  19. If we get that Champions League place I would say that's a bit more than modest success, I would class that as a major achievement. Let's be honest the title is not a realistic target, I'm a bit disappointed we didn't take Rangers but that said we are still on course for a good deal more than we have any right to expect.
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