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Everything posted by fatcalf

  1. fatcalf


    I'd like that, currently there is no imagination put into that tired old format, I don't want to listen to c***s I have little time for giving me their biased 'knowledge' on the weekends games, I just want to see the highlights of said matches and if there were more goals from more games so much the better, least it would cut down on the talking time which can only be a good thing.
  2. fatcalf


    Me tae, cannae mind last time I watched Sportscene. Was thinking of the difference as I watched MOTD2 last night actually, we are really poorly served by this format and it goes back to the way the English meedja like to portray their game as opposed to how the Scottish numpties showcase ours. They still manage to take the positives out of embarrassing results like Man U skelping Arsenal or City skelping Utd last week yet our game against Hibs 6-6 was derided for poor defensive play. That was a classic and should be highlighted as such, there are many instances of poor play in the EPL which are ignored in favour of showing up the positive aspects whilst we get the polar opposite from our own meedja.
  3. OK then in Scottish fitba' terms provincial is condisered to describe teams outwith the Old Firm then. In general terms provincial means outwith the larger cities, howsat? We are indeed a no' bad wee team, been saying so for decades
  4. It's Scotland though intit? We always dae things arse fur elba eh no?
  5. Was looking at missing this, first half at least, cos of the boys game in the morning. League game now postponed to accomodate a regional cup tie which the home team (fae Falkirk) demands be played on Saturday morning. Okay then Still hate early kick-offs though
  6. Provincial in Scottish terms usually means outwith the Old Firm though, not outwith the city clubs.
  7. No I'm quite happy to write it off now thank you very much cos it's just wrong. Games should only be moved away from their usual slot for a good reason, whether TV is good enough for some is even debatable but this to me smacks of change for the sake of it and no other reason. It may have worked out no' bad in Aberdeen but they're no' very bright up there at the best of times. Our crowds have slipped alarmingly and a big chunk of that is the demise of the visiting support from Hearts, Hibs and Aberdeen in the main. Friday night fitba' won't attract them back and certainly won't bring enough new home punters in to compensate for those regulars who find they can't manage along either.
  8. Going by this thread those who can't make it will be just about the same as those who can make it but don't usually make Saturday games. Waste of time then probably. Personally I hope it's a disaster and we can go back to normal, this is not the way to attract bigger crowds. Time for new ideas,not rehashed ones. Actually not even new ideas, just reduce prices across the board, stop paying players so fucking much, only move Old Firm games away from 3pm Saturdays cos they deserve nothing less, and let kids in for free along with a full paying adult.
  9. Boyle suggested this and was shot down in flames, why are we suddenly in favour when our voices have already been heard on the subject?
  10. Dare I say it but Hughes could be the kind of player we need to provide Humphrey with the service he needs i.e. the ball threaded in behind defences for him to run onto instead of having to track back to halfway to pick up the ball then pick his legs up and start running from a standing start. I thought Law was going to give us that when he first came but it hasn't worked that way.
  11. A good start would be more positive press like that telling everyone that our football isn't really that bad. Watching Soccer AM on Saturday and the clowns on there were taking the piss showing clips of poor play mocking the SPL. Turth be told I bet I could find similar examples from the EPLand highlight the fact their players are on 100 times the money but then I don't have the viewing figures for OSB that these idiots have on Sky 1 so whose message is going to hit home? Our own press fuel this by constantly bemoaning our game, and even ignoring the good teams to fit in more shite about the Gruesome Twosome. I have regular visitors from England and abroad and they go home with mostly positive views on our game but they're farting against thunder if they try to tell folk back home that the general perception of our game is all wrong. We've lost the hearts and minds war, start winning that first and things might start getting better. On the flip side, even though I don't think our game is as bad as it's made out it is still far too expensive, our chairmen have been watching too many fairy stories over the last few decades with their continual price increases and that needs to be reversed. Non-attendees at the moment will not be attracted back by the excessive prices on display, no matter how good the football might be. If no-one can see that simple fact then we need new people in to run the game, it's the most glaringly obvious factor in the rundown of our game since the last glaringly obvious one.
  12. Killie did have some shots but it would misleading to say they were shots 'at goal' given the distance between it's intended target and where the ball landed, quite like Jenno's attempt actually
  13. fatcalf


    Maybe he didnae fancy yon piano keys away kit, stupid looking thing that
  14. Craggs said same at the Braidhurst thing, maybe that was the same Q&A, I didn't see that link.
  15. All of which are discussed here long before any tabloid journo claims an exclusive. At least Hammell backs up the 'Gannon's a good manager really' theory many Well fans hold dear
  16. Maybe they were there to listen to the band? Anyways much ado about nothing, if it annoys they fuckwits then good, Mon the Crown
  17. Yaay, fucking some team us
  18. Well it's an easy way to regain possession for your team for one thing.
  19. fatcalf


    Best guide to that nonsense was a scan of the back page of the Record someone put up. I was content after seeing that. Record and truth are not words you usually see in the same sentence, especially with ra Shellic struggling and an AGM on the horizon, that just confirmed it as shite.
  20. And don't get me started about that Torres, thank fuck we don't have a Russian Billionaire owner who could have been tempted to shell out for that numpty.
  21. Get her t'game lad, introduce her to the wonder of Chapmans pies and moaning faced c***s who are only happy when they're losing, not to mention face painting and free season tickets.
  22. Mine were 6 months old before they became regulars so you've not long to go eh?
  23. fatcalf


    Deflect and spin, shame James finds himself used as a pawn but he'll be rewarded handsomely. More disappointed if he succumbs to the usual shite players trot out when they sign for their 'boyhood heroes' but I don't buy papers as a rule so I should be able to avoid it comfortably enough if he does. Then again if he manages to cleverly scupper their Champions League ambitions by bleeding them dry financially without making too much of an impact, leaving the way clear for us to challenge the h**s for the title before he comes back home for a previously agreed cut of the Champons League pot I'll be quite happy.
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