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Everything posted by fatcalf

  1. Certainly watching Motherwell it is.
  2. He's lying then cos you can clearly see he reacts to Jenno touching him. Neil Lennon would have the c**t sacked.
  3. The obvious point he's missed is that it was never a red card offence in a million years. He said he was at the game himself yet he missed that one simple fact.
  4. I thought I'd already stated my intention to avoid this thread now and in hindsight I should have done, but now that you're on the case I definitely will, in case I get hit with a mad, mental totally no' that funny GIF like some other unfortunate souls have been subjected to. Later.
  5. I would think they believe they've cobbled together enough of a case and have questioned him to try and trip him up if he is indeed hiding something. Very much doubt they'll find anything but I agree, if they want evidence watch the video, there's yer main suspect right there wi' the card in his hand. Going by Shellic's actions last year we should have followed suit cos O'Reilly clearly lied, he said Jenno was dismissed for abusive language but the pictures clearly show him reaching for his card the minute Jenno touches him. Precedents and all that, know.
  6. Discussion is fair enough, some are just negative and it's my opinion they should shut the fuck up after a while. Points have been made, disagreed with, counter points made, discussion going round in circles, time to shut the fuck up don't you think? I don't even know how them little score things operate and I can't even remember any of your other posts but based on this one post I'd say your opinion is irrelevant now cos I'm avoiding this and the other negative bastard threads to concentrate on kittens leaving shite on our pitch.
  7. No' a good idea, they'd leave shite all o'er the park. Could play wi' the foxes mind.
  8. Tell them to chase themselves, they can't even put fair referees on a park so they have no right interfering in our team selection until Jenno has been proven guilty. I very much doubt that will happen therefore we could conceivably lose the services of an important player on someone else's say so. Innocent until proven guilty not apply to the SFA? They can't even see what's in front of them, Gary O'Connor for example.
  9. Don't for a minute believe I'm stopping you from doing anything, nor would I want to for the very reasons you state there. Just the way you worded that "Happy to have him" bit made me chuckle, none of us have any say at the end of the day, all we can do is moan about bits we don't like or would prefer to be different. Players on the park though, makes no odds what any of us think of them, they're there by someone else's choice and that's that. Don't think you've heard me moan much about players on the park have you? That will be cos it makes no difference what I think, if the manager sees fit I have to be happy to have them here cos I've no other choice. Chill, you should know by now I don't take much seriously, it's only t'internet mind. And you're always good for a response.
  10. Nope, read and re-read that, still makes no sense. Enlighten me.
  11. You know it really is fuck all to do with you being happy to have him or not don't you? You have him, that's it, enjoy it while it lasts.
  12. Liked the pics of Dunfermline fans last week all pointing their cameras at police and stewards but it really does need to be loads doing it. One or two would run the risk of being singled out and huckled.
  13. Ma eyes hurt, no' reading all that
  14. Maybe shut the negative c***s up when they realise they're in a minority then
  15. Exactly so what would we rather have? Personally I'm quite happy with the way things are going.
  16. Not much we can do about it so just enjoy it I'd say.
  17. Terry Butcher had a great record against them two jobies.
  18. But the price of football is way too high and I refuse to pay it every week no matter how well the team are doing. If it was reduced I might consider a few more trips to away games but I'm certainly not going to countenance a return to Paisley for example cos it's just not worth it, late winning goal or not. So it is a relevant point.
  19. Then again if Tommy had stayed in 1994 who knows what he might have achieved with that squad he built, could have surpassed Jim's record, purely hypothetical of course.
  20. Covering her tracks by refusing you access to the office is worthy of the sack on it's own. Power to your elbow young Dee, c***s like that dragging our game to the level we currently sit. Haud oan, Wendy Thompson??? Better hope she's nae relation tae the guy you're lettering else she's already given him her side of the story over canapes.
  21. See I don't get this bit, she's got more authority than the polis? Constantly being told down here the match commander rules the roost yet here we have a 'security advisor' refusing the advice of the polis, surely the officers on the ground would be in contact with the match commander.
  22. So we won comfortably yet only had 2 shots at goal? Behave yirsel!!!!
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