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Everything posted by fatcalf

  1. Aye right y'are, I go glory hunting to Doncaster
  2. Close enough, never going to get it exactly right given the size of the wee men, just hope that band is on the back as well. And don't give me logos, Subbuteo is sponsor free
  3. MUst be true, he's put it in large font
  4. Better have a Members only dance in May
  5. But we won't be fucked, we'll still be a small club but one with a different structure. I don't think this was ever planned a major fundraiser so this alone wouldn't ensure a financially stable future but it will hopefully provide a platform for accountability and avoid things like the Cooper Stand debacle for one example. Living within our means we shouldn't be looking for handouts from 'owners' or share issues, there will be times when unexpected costs force the club to look for short term assistance and if my reading of this is correct that's what the money raised here is planned for. If there is even a sniff of my money being used to fund a players wage then I'm keeping it in my own bank.
  6. A lot of questions to be answered obviously but for me it's a far more agreeable route than simply handing control over to another individual who has the wherewithal to buy up a controlling interest. For me the main benefit of this is to stop someone doing a JB initially, throwing money at it recklessly and putting the clubs future in some doubt. All the finer detail can be worked out but if it gives us the safety net of protecting our future it gets a thumbs up from me.
  7. Ach ye've wasted it now by going back to sensible talk. Shame on you.
  8. You know I think my favourite from the rugby shirt era was the Ancell Babes one which had an Amber collar, the placket was longer and ended up in the middle of the Hoop, think that was the lst rugby style before the big V neck came in, liked that also.
  9. More than likely sdome other lucky mob will end up with it, like Crewe Alexandra.
  10. Get a good sell on clause, easily potential for a £5 Million player there.
  11. I'll take full responsibility for thread going off tangent, however surely Subbuteo is more worthy of discussion Anyways that Zeugo mob I think set up their own independent brand cos Hasbro or whoever were messing about with their plans for the game. There is still a vibrant Subbuteo community, clubs playing in leagues, National and International competitions etc and they need equipment. With Subbuteo more or less redundant the Italians took up the baton and produced Zeugo, not quite as good but a good effort. Something like that anyway
  12. Unfortunately it would have to be ebay purchase, the one they sell now is utter cack, wee laminated cut-outs of 'famous' players you stick into the base. Still pick up a 1980's box set on ebay for less than you'd pay for one of those new things. As for the pitch, spent hours ironing them buggers but found an astropitch in a collectors shop last year or maybe year before. Top banana that is.
  13. Why not just get the proper game out? It works as a few on here will testify.
  14. Whoever holds the licence now just plain aren't interested in developing the brand outwith using it to flog wallets, socks, washbags. All cheap options obviously. There was a computer game years ago but didn't amount to anything.
  15. That is quite simply the worst attempt at spelling Subbuteo I've ever seen
  16. Who's that mob in green and white he's playing for? Mechelen and Brussels don't wear that.
  17. But there is no lease is there? Not to my knowledge.
  18. No' a bad thing, nae c**t will lend us so we need to make do with what we got. Live within our means and all that.
  19. This, can't go back expecting things to be the same. Fuck the Masters.
  20. Spotted said player in a Masters tourney in Malaysia on telly last night, didnae look very fit.
  21. Sometimes fans do know better right enough. weeyin, ditto Bobby Russell
  22. To be fair those around my seat are okay but I've heard it all during my years in there, from the "Never mind trying to play tippy tappy fitba', get it up the park" to "Whit's the point of lumping it up there, haud on tae it" fae the same guy, in the same game, just a few minutes apart. Everyone has them though, apparently.
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