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Everything posted by fatcalf

  1. Brave formation and maybe trumped the auld codgers by no' playing Humph. Reckon they'd have thought he'd be a stick on.
  2. I liked the previous suggestion of "We're only here out of common courtesy" I know that was intended for the original away game but it's still my favourite. A few Liar Liar posters, Pants on fire cartoons, if anyone thinks the ones used in OSB recently would suffice feel free to replicate them. Maybe even a 'Move on' theme would be better though
  3. At least they waited to see him play
  4. He's already proved more than Casagolda so for that reason at least he deserves to be cut a bit of slack. Not much worse than writing someone off before they even kick a ball so well done Franny, keep it up son/man/auld yin
  5. Thing is LT, if we just restricted comment to what's happening now this site widnae be very busy at all. Folks want tae discuss Gannon and the auld baistards mainnly because opinions are still divided, christ I still argue over the merits of Davie Hay versus Ally MacLeod whenever I tie in wi' ma big mate Robertson. Maybe we have small minds (as per the message in your sig) but I reckon it's cos we have different ideas about different events (again as per your sig) and that's why this board is here after all. But anyway aye, time to move on, until it's time to discuss the past cos there's not a lot else to argue over.
  6. Hate to break it to you mate but Flow quit the site and took a post 'up by', left the fitba' team an a'. Hard to take I know but he's up there with the heroes now.
  7. Times like this I'm glad I deliberately avoided making friends with Old Firm fans. Wisnae difficult right enough
  8. Nothing new there, our own fans have always stayed away when their hordes come to town, there would be more Well fans at the games you speak of but there would more Well fans at every game at that time probably.
  9. Nope you've got me on that one. When was that?
  10. Am no' even asking what yer watching noo
  11. Guess who's just watched Reggae Britannia
  12. Knee or ankle ligaments Never once been hurt by standing at a fitba' game in 45 years. Done my ankle ligaments sitting at the 'puter, true story cos I was rolling my foot under the chair. Health & Safety Pffftt!!!! Actually can we not get round all that H&S shite by signing a disclaimer absolving the club of any blame should we do the unlikely and actually fall over? H&S is after all no more than trying to cover themselves with respect to a lawsuit for injury sustained on the premises is it not? Fuck all to do with looking after us.
  13. Have raised the issue and got the expected response from my own MP and whoever in the party deals with sport, not interested in the slightest. Just sent a letter with the standard drivel you'd expect from someone who couldn't give a flying fuck. Waste of time Dave, going through the club may bring more success, they can change things, maybe not officially but an agreement can be reached if the will is there. FWIW I'm not bothered about getting an official standing area, I just want the stewards to lay off those who prefer to stand as long as they're not causing a nuisance. And I want the club to recognise that fans are very well behaved compared to years gone by and give a bit of leeway rather than allow power hungry hi-vis lunatics to make their own attempt at a Highland Clearance. Half the time these eejits cause bother with their attitude then it's the fans who react who end up being carted.
  14. Reckon the amount of trouble because of the lack of segregation forced the clubs hands more. But it's true, when they eventually acted our support grew, many fans opted to simply stay away from OF games.
  15. Frequent debate on this subject and my view hasn't changed nor will it ever. Motherwell first last and always, only my family trumps the Dossers.
  16. So you can afford to pay the £24 then?
  17. Not at all, just looking for a comparison on the income potential. Good prices, should help swell the crowd a bit.
  18. So for each club to get the equivalent of the TV income this game requires an 8,000+ crowd paying full whack basically?
  19. And change the name while you're there, Ravenscraig Steelers has a certain ring to it don'tcha think buddy?
  20. Circumstances have compounded the problem certainly but I don't believe 1,000 fans have disappeared just cos they auld c***s left us.
  21. Nothing to do with Brown and Knox leaving IMO, crowds have been on a downward spiral for ages. I remember making comment of the crowd at Mark McGhee's first home game against ICT I believe. 4,000 turned up on a lovely day after we won our first opening league game away for yonks, everything should have been rosy at that time but for such a pitiful attendance. I've got a bit of a down on fitba' as a whole, the whole set-up is shite but we aren't in such a bad position really apart from needing a lot more fans in but that's always been the case. McCall needs bodies in for cover, Jeffers will likely provide that so good luck to him but his signing has coincided with a gloomy outlook overall.
  22. fatcalf

    The Draw

    Just need to focus on our game then. Wisnae travelling anyhow so doesn't affect me much but I'll be playing if our game's on. Fuck TV fitba'
  23. Why lower ourselves to Scott Brown-isms, just take the ball off the c**t and put it in their pokey. Best medicine.
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