To get back to a more level playing field we have to get rid of TV from the game. If we lose £1 Million on it so what, the Old Firm will lose a helluva lot more than we will seeing as they already get the majority of the dosh.
I can't remember watching an SPL game on Sky or ESPN, wouldn't contemplate doing so cos in reality it isn't very good viewing watching someone else's team. Occasionally watch an English game, more likely Championship though but get bored of it after 20 minutes or so and go do the hoovering instead. In short I like to watch my team live, I don't want wall to wall fitba' and until everyone starts boycotting TV games nothing will change. Not going to happen I know but that's the world we live in. The ba' is well and truly burst until we see TV get fed up with their toy. Hopefully it will happen pretty soon.