DIdnae take long for the first major gripe of the season eh? Boys fitba' moves to Sunday morning this coming season so that's potentially 3 off the gate every time although our season tickets are paid for already. 2 Mates coming from York urnae very happy, paid for advance tickets, non-refundable, same day return. Might not bother trying again seeing as 2 years ago same guys found out about Shellic call-off when their train pulled into Edinburgh Station. Not just 2 lost from this game perhaps, maybe 2 lost for good?
We try sell our game, it's sold off to a higher bidder. What is the point? Already lost a sizeable contingent who used to travel from Yorkshire for every last game of the season, and others inbetween, with this stupid split. Is it only us who try to actually sell the game to other folk? Surely these TV games should have been organised before the fixtures went public.