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Everything posted by StipeIsGod

  1. I apologise, but a (-1) vote based on what? Edit - Has gone to neutral, with thanks to Well Well. Apologies, I don't mind criticism, but without a comment, it seems meaningless.
  2. I'm 20 years old. I've been a Motherwell fan through thick and thin for the best part of 17 years (plus the stuff I cannae mind from before that). I have been an MFC season ticket holder for 14 of these years. As much as I love MFC, if this goes through, I may leave Scottish football entirely, and focus my football interest in other leagues. Is this really what the SFL want? The abandonment of teams by young fans, as there is no way to break the stranglehold, even if proven to have been gained by cheating, of the Ex Firm? Bring on the thousands of bigots. Watch the faithful youths of smaller teams walk away, as they are sick of being crushed under the bootheel of the Ex Firm. And not in terms of results. The results are bad, the cheating is the limit.
  3. Will you be willing to stand with the fans in condemnation of that statement? Will you, as our board, be willing to be one of the first to show some positive thinking as a result of the fall of Rangers, as opposed to sitting amongst the pandering ranks?
  4. Why were they given until tomorrow to meet membership requirements by the SFA? Have they met them, privately? Or will they be given an unlimited free pass?
  5. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH FUCKING FUCK THEM. FUCK. So angered by this. It's a pathetic show of bullying, with a good dose of cowardice thrown in. March on Fir Park for a no vote? March on Hampden for this shit. I have never been as furious with the utter scum who run our leagues as today.
  6. Hately is not a central midfielder. He's a damn good right back, but whoever suggested to him, at any point, that he's a central midfielder is needing shot.
  7. This makes me feel fucking sick. Pandering to one half of the bigots in every way possible to save them. You can believe that if it was any other team in Scotland, bar one, then this restructuring would never even be considered. It's nearly enough to put me off Scottish football, seriously.
  8. It's definitely turned into a weeeee touch of a witchhunt, because it's one half of the Ex Firm. Sod it, they've mercilessly screwed the game for years.
  9. On a separate note, I realise the money will be small, comparatively, but would the fact that the third strip has been as popular not bring in a reasonable amount of (relatively unexpected, as it's a third strip) extra cash?
  10. I'd have McFadden back in a heartbeat, especially if we can move Murphy/Humphrey on. No big reason, bar that they're our most expendable assets for me (Over Hutchison and Randolph) Clarkson, I love the guy, but I don't think he's what we need right now.
  11. @Steve - Not a Michael, but I get the sentiment, and cheers man. Good to be back. @Tweed - I see the argument which you make, and I see the swing which you speak of, but that is one hell of a drop, from our recent positions to any form of relegation fear.
  12. On the balance of averages, over the last ten years, we finish... ninth, worst case scenario. Not exactly relegation, even with the doomcasted 2 up, 2 down scenario. It's bad enough with the SPL not expecting us to finish top six, without our own fans having us drop half a table based on a season 5 years ago.
  13. I understand the thought of football being cyclical, but we have been one of the most consistently strong teams outwith the Old Firm for a long time. Why would relegation suddenly be a realistic prospect? We would have to drop back immensely before such an eventuality became realistic.
  14. As a 10 year season ticket holder (yas, but also 'good grief, that long...') I firmly believe that I deserve...no vote. I have been an ardent supporter of the Well Society scheme, and as soon as I am able, will pay my way and get my share, but at this point, I have no share, and others have paid and thus deserve a vote. At this point, with the available option of the Well Society, I am unable to afford the fee, but feel that if utterly stretched, I could make up the funds. As such, and as a general season ticket holder, I am willing to cede my vote to the current 'big' spenders in terms of my club's future. They've pumped their money in by today, and thus their decision, as shareholders, is my decision as a long term season ticket holder. No to newco, mind you.
  15. I'm enjoying the rampant paranoia of the Rangers fans over almost anything else at the moment. We're all filled with bloodlust, disgusting hatred, and bile, and the cause of all of this is resent for their success. They can't see why we take issue with the 'success' That, and everyone outwith the noble Rangers have been sucking money from them, and really, all of this is the fault of everyone else, not their own club. Sounds ironically like the fans of another Glasgow team...
  16. Exactly what we were after in all fairness. Well done to the club, and faith restored. I don't even have a bloody society membership. Argh.
  17. A truly alarming statement from the board as regards our stance on this. Well, I say "our". I think a better word is "their". They're just softening the blow, in my opinion, and we will vote yes. Any fan's forum at this point will pretty much be a propaganda rally for the yes vote. The tone of the statement made that clear to me.
  18. No. Fuck. NO. Up them, and let them deal with the consequences. We wont lose heavily out it, so why save their heinous arses? Rather be close run than pumped out by their "lack of" money. Their own fault, and their lack of any form of repentance has been sickening.
  19. Wonder if he's sent somebody a text at half time... He sure as fuck wouldn't be the only person to have text somebody to guarantee a red! I texted somebody at 30 mins saying they should get their arse online to get a bet on a red for Motherwell. Innocent until proven guilty for me as well.
  20. I, like many others, have been complaining about and confronting these negative gits for years. Fair enough, I criticise players heavily on here etc, but I've never booed a player at Fir Park. Why would Higdon, who, for the record, I reckon has looked useful, be such a target? No reason, bar that he's new. With that, it's impossible to please these people, because they expect a constant production line of identitalent players. "He's just a shite Sutton" - He's not even the same type of player, you buffoon. And, seperately, you took the piss out of Sutton until he left.
  21. Haven't made it along well this season, but considering the description of/times I have seen/clips of Murphy, and to a much lesser degree, Higdon, I'm glad to see young McHugh get a goal, both for himself, and to put a touch of pressure on the big boys.
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