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Everything posted by StipeIsGod

  1. Not the first to think it was Stipel to be fair! And REM are fecking brilliant
  2. One of my mates is also a norn ironer, and he's heading over to Fir Park as well. This may turn out to be a surprisingly decent crowd!
  3. Stevie Craigan took a penalty?
  4. I'm sure he was a target earlier in the year as well.
  5. I was being entirely unfair. I got my Kevin McDonalds mixed up. I thought 'ours' had went down south, flopped, and was up here playing for Hibs a wee while back, before disappearing again (to Alloa, but I assumed down south). Different guy, no connection to us. So you're totally right. As for our ex-player McDonald, I don't know what he's been up to in all honesty.
  6. Apologies for not picking up on your blazing, and quite blatantly genius wit earlier. When I enquired about the caps lock, I did not expect humour of as high an order to grace me with its presence.

    If you could possibly find the power within yourself, I would greatly appreciate it if you could direct me to the misdemeanour of Kylie, as regards his/her/ caps lock?

  7. I also know what you meant, I just thought I was due a retaliatory first dig
  8. Officer Diggle, you mean? He comes out with some spectacular bullshit,
  9. I wouldn't thank you for McDonald. Excellent at the time, don't get me wrong, but is now a busted flush (unfortunately) and a backwards step.
  10. Interesting, but I expect that somehow we wouldn't get tonnes of money. Celtic and Rangers would only allow that through if it was performance/success based.
  11. Can't afford to go Gutted, as Crags has long been a favourite of mine.
  12. That 2006/2007 strip is easily my favourite.
  13. I would agree with Daver about needing an experienced mountain, but at the same time, I know what Wellfan means about Garry Kenneth. especially. The thing about the 4 attributes was spot on as well. I think we're looking at a best case 3/4.
  14. Just a thought. What kind of centre half do we reckon is what we're needing? Older head, commanding in the air, speedy etc?
  15. Agreed. That would be a good resigning, and from what I've been reading, a potentially excellent acquisition.
  16. They'd just moan that part of a halfway line was obscured by a mars bar packet, strategically placed there by a Rangers spy, employed by Motherwell, subsidised by the SFA, specifically to distract and provoke Scott Brown, in order to derail their league bid.
  17. See, that's what I meant earlier, Craig. I said about the police almost certainly not wading in and arresting anyone out of the heaving mass of slime that is the Old Firm, and will continue picking on the easier folks, in order to meet their targets, but is that not a problem with implementing the law, rather than the bill itself?
  18. I refuse to believe that Swansea are the only club interested in Darren Randolph. As such, it would be nice to see the club at least try and start a bidding war, rather than the usual, snatching at the elbow of the quickest bidder.
  19. On reading the bill, that's not what I interpreted. If it picks up two or three of the bigots, then I'll be pleased.
  20. Which was the Jester strip? My personal favourite goes against my normal taste and is the white collar effort [of (2-5) years ago?]
  21. I see little difference between sectarianism and racism, and wont be signing.
  22. Forby the lack of cash, with most jobs, Saturday becomes a rather more difficult proposition.
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