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Everything posted by Yoshi-1991

  1. His intention might have been to hold out for a better deal, but in doing so he seems to have enraged the Sellic masses, he might now think moving there might be a bad idea even if he gets his money, seems a target is already painted on his back by their boo boys.
  2. Or Burrows has seen the backlash from Motherwell fans and is perhaps slightly glad it hasn't gone through.
  3. Probably a bit of bias talking but I really think David will stagnate at Celtic, if he wants to move on up, he needs to leave Scotland.
  4. The only way that happens is for a better offer he's caught wind of.
  5. Actually feel so fucking deflated. What the fuck is the point in Scottish Football.
  6. Can find anything on it, where is he off too?
  7. I believe from memory it came from Europe somewhere. Its been so long (possibly 2012-13, that my memory may be a bit stained on it, but something tells me Juventus.)_take into account I am pretty drunk, to the point I have had to fix my spelling 6 times, right now and could be talking utter pish. (edit to add thats the melody, they lyrics were made up by the well Bois)
  8. The down side to that is he will only have a year on his contract at that point which puts the value down.
  9. I would add on another couple of mill to the price to any team playing in the same league regardless of who they are.
  10. He was certainly a decent player when fit, was he as good as we like to remember? I hope so but I'm not sure. I'm more concerned about how he will be after being out for so long. A long term injury like this can play havoc with a players state of mind and they often come back half the player they were before.
  11. Is he player manager or has he hung up the boots? Havnt actually heard much of Gretna since their demise, I am assuming with the signings they are aiming to move on up and try get back into the area they were before they farted all their cash.
  12. Summed up in one video.
  13. Yeah I agree, however I also think the club could do more to market it. The way they currently advertise, its aimed at already existing fans, not well tailored towards the general public.
  14. True, but they have only ever done it for one off games and I am not sure those figures would ring true for the course of a few games or over a season. Other factors to take into account that dont stack up for one off games are things like merch, where someone going to a one off game isnt going to buy a top, someone going every week would. Also there is no momentum, if a kid is going for free every week there is a good chance that that spreads throughout their friend groups etc where as if they need to pay they may only go once in a while or not at all depending on their family's financial situation or other commitments/ cheaper alternatives. and then of course if you hook them young, they become paying ticket holders down the line.
  15. Probably a fair bit, but my argument has always been that you would make it back with kiosk sales, merch, and the accompanying adults paying.
  16. Not being funny, but i dont see Rangers actually making any money off him. Wouldn't be bothering with sell on and just take the cash now.
  17. Surely in these situations they would look at the contract being offered by the new club and see what they truly value him by how much they are willing to pay him?
  18. I must have missed this, what was said?
  19. Because he seems like he's now suffering the consequences of decisions he made when he was a young daft laddie, something I can identify with.
  20. if true he should be dropped for the rest of the season, no reason for us to develop a rangers player when we have our own to look after.
  21. After seeing Paul Slane on Si Ferry's podcast and YouTube a few times I can't help but feel a little sorry for him. He absolutely fucked his career and he knows it, seems to really love the game and you can see it kills him that it's ended up the way it has for him. He's still totally off his head though.
  22. He's finally found it! That's the longest game of hide and seek in world record.
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