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Everything posted by Yoshi-1991

  1. Anyone know how to get open all mics to work on an iPhone?
  2. Mcdonald, Hammell and Taylor were the most shocking today, the rest wernt much better. Looked 10x better when we went 2 up top. Don't understand why it's takes barra so long to work it out that lone striker isn't working. He seems to be saving himself but how long will scraping a last minute draw keep him in a job?
  3. Good result, dreadful performance. McDonald should have been hooked, his passing was utter guff. Dom earned his start, best player on the park by miles.
  4. Wow! Why are we not taking advantage of this?!
  5. So basically sweating like Jim Gannon.
  6. Does it go to pens tonight or replay?
  7. No, punt him mid game, might stand a chance...
  8. Been there since last season, I have my own pitch and power hook ups...
  9. Needs to go, firmly in the pant wetting club.
  10. Surly it's grounds for a sacking if we can't beat this lot..
  11. Literally just ordered mine before coming on the page, creepy. (Pizzas, no Irish footballers)
  12. Always felt there is something Gannonesque about him, talks a good game but when it comes to it he doesn't have a clue what he's doing and is miles out his depth.
  13. I don't actually find much wrong with the team, it's the way they are being applied that is the issue. How long are we seriously going to give Barraclough? If we keep him till the end of the year I can see another relegation battle coming.
  14. Did Celtic ever get fined for their fans ripping up the south stand?
  15. Is he not a Killie fan as well? Sure that was mentioned at the time for him choosing them.
  16. Probably take some trialists with us
  17. Club saying on Facebook the launch is on Friday. Wither that means we will see it tonight and goes on sale on Friday or we see it on Friday I don't know.
  18. I see there are a few clubs in for Jamie Murphy, do we have a sell on clause?
  19. Will be interesting to see if we actually spend money on a transfer fee again this window.
  20. Pfft lets not get petty, let him go so he can play in Europe. It's nice to be nice.
  21. We better not start signing Irish league players...
  22. Just noticed I read you saying about M4a as mp4, my mistake
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