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Everything posted by Yoshi-1991

  1. Well thats a question for Barmack, however I get the impression I get is he is holding certain cards against his chest, at least publicly, which is fair enough. As far as I understand, that is the point, the club will be the one to benifit from it.
  2. This is the argument I made to my mate earlier. The value of the investment doesn't come down to only money, but as you have said, the opertunity being offered which could potentially lead us to new money that as of yet lays in a pool untapped by Scottish football. You are not going to get many offers on the table that allow for the same protection offered here. It seems to me that Barmack has taken the time and effort to work along with fan demand as much as possible and likely more than a lot of others would offer. If you are just looking at the money on offer then sure, it looks a bad deal, but if you take the opertunity into consideration then I dont think its as clear cut as many on here think it is.
  3. Far too sensible for this place.
  4. Blaney for getting it up the hibies at the death
  5. Hope they pull it to an under 10 gap or I owe my mate 20 quid.
  6. Aye, O'Donnell has a stinker today, as he has most of the season. Occasionally has a good game but they are getting more more rare. Shaw pulling level with the great Casagolda as biggest fraud to pull a wage from us.
  7. Weird that comment is both right and wrong all at the same time
  8. Could play till midnight and not score here
  9. Need to go all out here and just go for it. Hibs will sit back now.
  10. Plus the linesman flagged is so wasn't VARs call anyway
  11. It does read like they are looking for that "gotcha" moment. I am in a weird middle ground. I am all for someone coming in and guiding us in a new direction, with the caveat that if they get bored we we are protected from them selling us off as spares and repairs (which is what the 50+1 does however can totally see why this would put an investor off). Outside of that, I am open to the idea of them having more control if that's what it takes. In terms of this particular potential investor, I do like the fact they are not just looking to shovel money in and are actually interested in being hands on. However, I also see why some in the Well Society see that as a threat to the "its my baw" status quo we are currently in. TLDR: Fence sitting etc etc
  12. A good read and comes across well, making the right noises, although you could argue thats his job to do that. I do strongly believe (and have done long before this) that football, especially Scottish football does like to stick to the old "thats how we've always done it" mantra and having an outside eye that not only sees modern opportunities but has the ability to act on it can only be a good thing. As a long-time F1 fan I have seen the almost instant impact DTS has had on the sport and other than the few gatekeepers I would say the old fan base has embraced the new fans coming in and the new lease of life it has given the sport (and increase in revenue to go along with it). If this is the sort of thing we can be looking at then it can only bode well in my eyes. I am as sceptical as the next guy about new investors, but given the choice, this is the kind of person we should be looking at.
  13. The return of the holy goalie (gloves).
  14. Hibs getting beat just to compound the frustration.
  15. As scunnering as this season has been. Sums it up really.
  16. I for one welcome our new Kardashian overlords.
  17. Hope alive again, canny take this.
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